Chapter 1642 Occasional Odd Treasure (2)

"Mother, what the hell is this?" Su Xiaoer looked at the glowing object curiously, wanting to reach out and touch it.

Su Waiwai hurriedly stopped: "Don't, I don't know if this thing will hurt people, don't touch it."

She was also very curious, the luminous object was in the shape of a square, exuding a warm purple and mysterious light.There is a warm halo around, enclosing the thing softly.

They were far away before, and they did look like fireflies at first glance.

In particular, this thing is suspended in mid-air without any support. The more you look at it, the more miraculous it becomes, and the more you look at it, the more exciting it becomes.

"This must be a good thing." Su Xiaoer looked at it for a while and came to a conclusion.

Su Wai Wai actually has the same idea, people and things can be seen from their appearance.When they walked near this thing, they could feel the immortal energy emanating from it, even something like fairy grass might not have it.

"Why haven't we seen it before?" Su asked with a frown, feeling that it didn't make sense.

She and Su Xiaoer had also gone out for a walk before, and lived in the ruins for a while, but they never saw this thing.It was a bit weird to meet by chance this time.

"That's true. What should I do? Do you want to touch it?" Su Xiao asked, looking at Su Wai Wai.

Su Waiwai thought for a while, nodded and said, "Let me do it. If there is a problem, I will respond faster than you!"

As soon as she finished speaking, she reached out and took down the Xuanguang Stone suspended in front of her.

The moment she took off the Xuanguang Stone, all the light gradually faded away. When everything calmed down, Su's mother and son took a closer look, only to see that the Xuanguang Stone only emitted a faint auspicious purple, about the size of a fist, and there was nothing special about it. place.

"It seems that it's just an ordinary stone. We think too much." Su Waiwai said, but still liked it very much, so he hugged the stone and kissed it.

Su Xiaoer followed suit and picked up the stone and kissed her.

"Childish." Su Waiwai didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and went for a walk with Su Xiaoer, and then they went home together, and went to sleep, without talking all night.

Su Waiwai woke up the next day and left the house after washing. She always felt that the house had become a bit strange, as if it was smaller and not as spacious as before.

She ran to do exercise under the peach blossom tree, and after a while, Su Xiaoer and Xiao Ba also joined, and they exercised together.

"Mother, why do I feel that our house has become smaller?" Su Xiaoer looked back at the house where they had slept before, and the more he looked at it, the more weird he felt.

"Do you also feel this way?" Su was taken aback for a moment, unexpectedly Su Xiaoer also felt this way.

"Master, I also feel that our home has become smaller." Xiao Ba agreed.

Su Wai Wai frowned slightly, she leaned forward to look at it, and nodded thoughtfully: "It feels like returning to the Space of Last Dream, what do you think?!"

(End of this chapter)

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