Chapter 1648 Eat the vinegar of Beiyueluo
"Miss Su, the god has gone far, it's useless for you to shout." The red-haired bird kindly reminded Su Waiwai who was hopping on the spot.

Su Wai Wai gave Su Wai Wai a vicious look at his truth, the red-haired Asuka tactfully shut up, and walked aside to watch Xiao Ba busy.

The most normal person in Su's family is Xiao Ba, who is not only good-looking, but also has a good temper.Unlike the rest of the Su family, they are all weird, lazy, and have developed bad habits.

"Xiao Ba, do you know how to get Su Xiaoer back?" Su Waiwai kicked the red-haired bird aside and asked Xiao Ba.

"Master, don't worry, the little master will be back later, it's impossible for Boss Bei to abduct the little master." Seeing that Su was in a hurry, Xiao Ba hurriedly comforted him.

"I'm just afraid that the kid will live a hard life, and then the master will feed him misty soup, and he will be kidnapped like this. I have worked so hard to raise Su Xiaoer to the present age. If Su Xiaoer leaves, I will live alone What should I do?" Su Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai replied.

Xiao Ba couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, and replied decisively: "The little master is definitely not the kind of child who is greedy for comfort. The little master is filial, how can he be willing to abandon the master?"

"Really? Why do I think Su Xiaoer is not very reliable." Su Wai Wai muttered, and simply waited outside the door.

Not to mention sleeping now, she couldn't sit still even if she was sitting, and she couldn't see Su Xiaoer for a while, so she was worried that that guy would be abducted by Bei Yueluo.

After waiting for two full hours, Su Xiaoer and Bei Yueluo came back holding hands.

Seeing that the father and son were on good terms, Su Waiwai's eyes turned red, she rushed forward and quickly separated the hands of the father and son, then pulled Su Xiaoer to her side, and said in a deep voice: "Tell me, are you Planning to run away with Master?!"

Su Xiaoer looked bewildered, and quickly shook her head: "That's not true, why would I run away with Master?"

"Then why did it take you so long to come back?" Su Wai Wai asked coldly, not at all worried about Su Xiaoer.

Su Xiaoer took a look at Bei Yueluo, feeling at a loss for a while.He just couldn't help getting close to Bei Yueluo, after all, he was his biological father, and he didn't feel this way before, but this time, for some reason, he found that he looked very much like Bei Yueluo.

Bei Yueluo is not only his master, but also his biological father. The blood-melted family relationship cannot be changed.

"Take a look, I know you are unreliable kid. Your family gave you two candies, so you wish you could run away with him, right? If you want to go with him, I won't pull you!!" Su Waiwai was anxious and angry, seeing Su Xiaoer's expression in his eyes.

Su Xiaoer must have gotten tired of following her for so many years and wanted a change of environment.Bei Yueluo is a deity, she has no status in the God Realm, so what can be compared with Bei Yueluo?
"Mother, it's not like this..." Su Xiaoer pulled up Su Waiwai's sleeves with tears in his eyes.He never thought about going away with Bei Yueluo, it's true.

(End of this chapter)

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