Chapter 1673 Poor men

"Poor men, meeting a hostess like the master. There is only one master, and the men are all excellent, and there are many. If I were the master, I would not know how to choose." Xiaosan followed Suwai Behind him, he acts as a flower protector, ready to drive away those men who want to get close to his master.

"That's right, if there are more masters and motherfuckers, it won't be enough." Xiaoqing felt the same, and turned to glance at the men.

Su Waiwai was already irritable, seeing Xiaosan and Xiaoqing talking non-stop, she got a little annoyed, she turned to them and said, "I want to be quiet for a while, can you calm down?"

She needs time and space to think quietly about her life.

After cultivating into a fairy, she has no direction or goal. Now she is entangled with men all day long, and there are still a bunch of men who can't get rid of. Thinking about this makes her worry.

"Master, can you discuss with Boss Bei, let's go down to the human world, I still like to live in the human world." Xiaosan said and ran to Su Waiwai, hoping that Su Waiwai would think of him together.

Su Wai Wai frowned, is this okay?
"Master's mother doesn't like God Realm either, why don't you talk to Boss Bei. Boss Bei is a big official, maybe there will be a way out. Boss Bei is arrogant and only listens to his mother's words." Xiaoqing also flattered.

"When has he ever heard what I said? It would be nice not to take what I said as fart." Su Wai Wai replied coldly.

Anyway, Bei Yueluo was unreliable, but if she went back to the human world and told him, maybe she could really satisfy her request.

She remembered that Bei Yueluo didn't want her to go to the God Realm when she ascended.That being the case, wouldn't it be easier to let her go back?
With an idea in mind, Su Wai Wai suddenly became angry again.

She still thinks that it is good to be a human being. Living in the God Realm is not like a human being. There is no popularity here, and there is no delicious food here. Maybe she can get back to life after leaving this place.

The next day, Su Wai Wai took a look around and saw Bei Yue Luo alone under the peach blossom tree, so she hurriedly rushed to his side and warmly took his arm.

Bei Yueluo was flattered by Su Wai Wai's sudden enthusiasm: "Wai Wai?!"

This woman hasn't been so enthusiastic for a long time, what's going on today?

"Master has looked better than ever since he came to the God Realm." Su Waiwai poured Bei Yue Luo Mi Tang, intending to make a request to return to the Human World when Bei Yue Luo was the happiest.

She believed that Bei Yueluo would agree to her little request.

The smile on Bei Yueluo's face gradually dissipated, and she saw that Su Waiwai's sudden smile at him had ulterior motives, this woman had sinister intentions.

"Just tell me what you have to do." Bei Yueluo went straight to the point, thinking that it would not be a good thing.

(End of this chapter)

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