Chapter 168 Walking Out of the Road of Death
Su Xiaoer thought for a while, coveted her smiling face, and said in a childish voice: "Mother is the strangest mother in the world, she must be different from other mothers!"

In other words, even after another five years, there will still be milk.

"Smelly boy, I'm sorry!" Su Waiwai said and looked at the monster in front of her, only to see that the monster lying on the ground disappeared for a moment after she talked with Su Xiaoer. It was strange, where did the monster go?

Su Xiaoer also noticed something strange, and looked at the underworld in puzzlement.

Before long, the underworld gradually became brighter, and a ray of light illuminated the front.

I saw that there are not only all kinds of spiritual stones on both sides of the narrow road, but also exotic flowers and plants.

Su Xiaoer didn't even think about it this time, so she ran to pick up the ugly spirit stones and flowers.Su Waiwai felt very strange, and asked puzzledly: "Su Xiaoer, are you okay? Why do you only pick ugly things?"

Su Xiaoer's face was serious, she shook her head and said, "Mother, I have my own purpose for doing this!"

Su Waiwai only thought that Xiaoer Su was brain teasing during this time of retreat, and stopped talking nonsense with brats, and picked the little things he liked.

When she saw the exotic flowers and weeds, she pulled them out and threw them back into the space of Nocturnal Dreams.

When Su Xiaoer sees ordinary strange things, he imitates them and throws them into the Space of Last Dreams.

Xiaosan inevitably got dumped a few times, and when she saw some strange-shaped things, she shook her head and said to herself: "Needless to say, such scrap metal must be a masterpiece of Suwaiwai."

Seeing that Su Xiaoer was very busy, Su Waiwai looked for the bright place by herself.

Su Xiaoer was afraid of being left behind by Su Wai Wai, so she hurriedly chased after her, shouting as she ran, "Mother, wait for me, don't go so fast."

There are still so many treasures that have not been picked up, it is rare to come to Hongbi, what a pity not to pick them up?
"Su Xiaoer, hurry up, there is an exit in front, and you still have to pick it up, what's the use of picking up so many broken things?" Su Waiwai saw that Su Xiaoer was still busy naked, so he simply stepped forward and grabbed the little guy. in my arms.

Su Xiaoer looked at the good things all the way, "Mother, there are many more, and they are all good things. Let's not pick the white ones. How difficult is it to come to Hongbi?"

"You have to be a little promising, okay? It's useless at first glance, and you will clean it up for you when you pick it up. And you, as a man, shouldn't you... boy, we can go home."

Su Wai Wai paused, looked at the bright exit ahead, and vaguely heard a human voice, and her beautiful eyes lit up when she heard the sound.

Isn't that the way out they are looking for?The two mother and son held hands and rushed towards the exit.

The eyes of everyone waiting at the exit of the road of death were pierced by a white light at the moment the road of death opened.

Until a smart woman holding a cute naked doll appeared at the intersection, everyone's eyes widened in disbelief.

Someone survived the road of death? !
"Xiaoer Su, what's wrong with these people, have they been struck by lightning, they are all very stupid." Su looked at the petrified crowd in puzzlement.

Could it be that after a visit to Hongbi, everyone who is not crazy is crazy, and everyone who is not stupid is also stupid, only she and Su Xiaoer are normal people?
Su Xiaoer was busy hiding in Su Wai Wai's arms, trying to cover his important parts, but his old mother deliberately let him show his spots, how embarrassed was he?
"Mother, cover it up for me, I don't like being looked at by women." Su Xiaoer blushed, covering her face with one hand and the two spots on her chest with the other.

As soon as he finished speaking, his shameless old lady threw him to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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