Chapter 173 Su Wai Wai Was Dumped By A Certain Man
Su Waiwai gave Xiaosan a look, and lazily opened her lips: "If you dare to say one more word, you will never try to evolve again in this life, get out!"

Xiaosan retreated to the side aggrieved, and replied weakly: "Yes, master."

He hadn't taken the pill for several hours, he was starving to death, ginseng fruit and green fruit had been used for thousands of years, although it worked, he didn't feel full, he still needed the pill to practice better in closed doors.

It took two years to evolve to the first level. If this continues, when will it evolve to the twelfth level?Thanks to his back time, Su Waiwai, a dead woman, picked him up, but he didn't know how to cherish it.

"Little San, looking at you again, I think you—" Su Xiaoer looked at Xiao San and hesitated to speak.

Xiaosan's slender eyes suddenly brightened: "Aren't you handsome and chic again?"

"It's ugly." Su Xiaoer finished speaking truthfully, pushed the petrified mistress away, and climbed into the bedroom to take a nap.

Xiao Sanchu looked at the sleeping Su's mother and son in front of the couch, and wanted to set fire to them.Treating a spirit beast like him like this will be punished by heaven.

After Suwaiwai's mother and son fell asleep, they slept until the next day before getting up.

Xiaosan sat under the peach blossom tree and gnawed ginseng fruit, looking at it sideways, feeling very distressed.

This is an excellent material for alchemy, so much wasted by Xiaosan, a foodie.How long did they sleep, and they lost dozens of 5-year-old ginseng fruits.

"Little San, this is your food list. If you don't live according to the food list, I will destroy you!" Su Waiwai quickly made a list and threw it on the lazy San.

"One pill for breakfast, one ginseng fruit for lunch, and one green fruit for dinner..." Xiaosan quickly scanned it, and then said angrily at Su Wai Wai: "Su Wai Wai, you are abusing a spirit beast!"

"Then you go and sue me! May I ask which spirit beast in the world has evergreen fruit and ginseng fruit for dinner?! Ugly, I have tolerated you for a long time!" Su Waiwai grabbed Xiaosan and roared at him loudly.

Xiao San suddenly became short of breath, and Su Wai Wai looked the ugliest when he was angry, so he better not be fussy with a bad-tempered woman.

"I want to make it clear that I don't know how handsome you are, Su Wai Wai, your aesthetics are really not good." Looking at Su Wai Wai whose nostrils were puffing, Xiao San paced away: "I think women Losing your temper for no reason is nothing more than two reasons, one is menopause, the other is lovelorn, Su Wai Wai must have been dumped by a man..."

Su Wai Wai heard it sharply, picked up a kitchen knife and threw it at it.

The little three-eyed and sharp-legged quickly avoided, and did not dare to appear in front of Su Wai Wai all day long.

Su Waiwai still felt inexplicably anxious without the mistress in front of her. She discussed with Su Xiaoer and went to Xiliao, which is the closest to Xixia.

Five lakes and ten countries advocate cultivating the truth and immortality, whether it is Xixia or the other nine countries, they are all keen on this way.

Under the leadership of Su Wai Wai's mother and son, Last Dream Space arrived in Xiliao within a day.

The two mother and son thought that they had got rid of the group of men, so they dared to come out to breathe.

They immediately inquired about which sect's master of cultivating immortals is the most powerful, and planned to learn from them.

It's just because their mother and son don't know what to do at least to cultivate immortals.If there is an expert to point out, you can avoid going the wrong way.

In front of Xiuxian Gate.

"Mother, what are these people doing?" Su Xiaoer saw people queuing up from a distance.

"Whatever it is, we're going to line up too." Su Waiwai dragged Su Xiaoer along, followed suit, and slipped into the crowd without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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