Chapter 179 The Lovelorn Eats Four Bowls of Rice
Su Waiwai took a deep look at Su Xiaoer and let out a long sigh.

"What's wrong with mother?" Su Xiaoer looked at Su Waiwai in puzzlement, and found that his old mother was very depressed.

This is a great thing, there is almost nothing in the world that can bother her old lady, even if she knew that Baili Liancheng had another love at the beginning, Su Waiwai heartlessly and gradually forgot what Baili Liancheng brought her. harm.

"Xiaoer, I'm broken in love." Su Waiwai grabbed Su Xiaoer's small body, deeply absorbing the warmth of his embrace.

She felt very lost.She has never been a woman who can't let go, but when she felt Bei Yueluo's obvious alienation, she suddenly felt wronged.

Why do you feel wronged?She and he didn't even start, where did the grievance come from?

Ridiculous emotions, ridiculous sourness!

"Mother went out for an hour, so you're broken in love?" Su Xiaoer should have laughed, but seeing Su Waiwai's frowning expression, he couldn't.

"At this moment, I have experienced passionate love, talked about marriage, and now I have lost love. My life is always so fast-paced. Forget it, eat, people depend on food!" Su Wai Wai said while throwing Xia Su Xiao Er, sitting at the dining table and began to eat and drink.

Xiao San looked at Su Wai Wai eagerly, hoping that Su Wai Wai would give him a better evaluation because of his hard work.

But Su Waiwai put down the bowls and chopsticks after eating four bowls of rice and said, "It's really unpalatable!"

"You—" Xiaosan rushed forward to find Su Waiwai's theory, but was stopped by Su Xiaoer.

After making sure that Su Waiwai went back to sleep, Su Xiaoer lowered her voice and said, "The one who is most broken-hearted, please let my mother be a little bit more. Don't forget, my mother is the head of the family, so she must not be offended."

"A person who is broken in love can eat four bowls of rice?!" Xiaosan finished yelling, ran directly into the Lost Dreams space, and roared loudly, which was considered to have vented a little bit of anger.

After Su Wai Wai fell asleep, she went directly to the God of Sleep to chat about her concerns.

Sleepy God glanced at Suwaiwai who was nagging endlessly, and really wanted to tell the truth, even a man can't stand her nagging, let alone a fairy who likes to be quiet?
"Master, what's wrong with me? Except my face is not very good-looking and my breasts are not too big, everything else is pretty good. It's impossible for him to like bo-ba, so I'm going to go for breast augmentation, right? It hurts to use the knife, Master said. Yes or no……"

Su Waiwai babbled a few more words, and when she turned her head to look at Sleeping God, she saw that he had already fallen asleep.

"Master is very unscrupulous." Su Wai Wai kicked the sleeping god, and came out of the dream angrily.

The moment she opened her eyes, she realized that it was dawn the next day.

"Mother, hurry up and wash up, today is a big day for apprenticeship. I heard that as long as you are lucky, you can be with a good master, the easier it is to ascend." Su Xiaoer saw that Su Waiwai was still sitting on the couch in a daze, so she ran to his old mother. He approached her and kissed her to wake her up.

Su Waiwai fell weakly on the couch: "I don't want to cultivate immortality anymore, it's boring. I don't think it's interesting to do anything now, Xiaoer, you go by yourself."

"Mother sure?" Su Xiaoer asked leisurely.

Su Waiwai nodded vigorously: "100% sure!"

"If my mother doesn't practice immortality, she won't be able to live a long life, and then she won't be able to live forever with your precious son Su Xiaoer. Are you sure now?" Su Xiaoer asked again disdainfully.

Su Wai Wai hesitated for a while, then nodded and said, "I'm still sure!"

Su Xiao Er got angry, and asked her loudly: "If I say that Bei Yue Luo will also go..."

(End of this chapter)

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