Chapter 186 From now on, never feel sad for him

"The dishes made by the senior sister are really delicious!" Su Waiwai sang praises to An An while eating.

An An just pursed her lips and smiled, she had the unique charm and coquettishness of her daughter's family, like a blooming flower, although it was not as gorgeous as a rose, it had its own unique flavor.

"Senior sister looks so pretty when she smiles." Su Waiwai praised An An without hesitation.

An An held food for Su Waiwai and Su Xiaoer by himself, and said softly, "Eat more if it tastes good."

"Senior sister seems to have a lot of wisdom, why did she fall into the hands of the master?" Su asked puzzledly.

Her word "reduced" made everyone's eyes fixed on her.

"Originally, I heard Xiaobai say that I only have false spiritual roots, and the five roots are useless. In short, they are useless materials, and I can't help them. People who can mix with me are unwanted by no one. , it seems that the master's market is too bad, so he can only accept a disciple like me." Su squinted and smiled, which was her understanding.

So far, she still doesn't understand why Bei Yueluo, who is an immortal, stays in the mortal world, let alone why such a big man like him accepts an apprentice like her.

Bei Yueluo's eyebrows were light and elegant, and she glanced at everyone, Fang Qi lips puzzled: "The four of you are the ones that Tian Lingzhu doesn't want to choose, so other masters of Xiuxianmen can't choose you, so I can become your master .”

"What is Tianlingzhu? Why can't the masters choose us if Tianlingzhu doesn't choose us?" Su Waiwai only felt that the more he listened, the more confused he became.

"Every master has the Heavenly Spirit Orb for selecting disciples. This is the unique magical tool for selecting apprentices of Xiuxianmen. Only the four of you cannot pass the level of Tianlingzhu. According to the past practice, you should have left Xiuxianmen. It just so happens that I will be staying in Xiuxianmen for a while, so I will be your master for the time being." Bei Yueluo opened her thin lips lightly.

Su Waiwai's gaze was fixed on Bei Yueluo's handsome and clean face, and he said in a hoarse voice, "Will Master leave soon?"

"The young master said that he is only staying here temporarily, Suwaiwai, please don't think about my young master." Xiao Xiao interjected from the side.

Su Waiwai glanced at Xiaoxiao, and said with a fake smile: "You are protecting Master like this, which makes me really want to find a chance to get Master done!"

As soon as she said this, everyone turned their attention to her.

Su Waiwai quickly finished four bowls of rice, put down the bowls and chopsticks, hummed a ditty and walked out of everyone's sight.

The moment she walked into the sun, the smile on her face disappeared.

Some people will only be passers-by in her life, just like Bei Yueluo, if you don't want to, you really can't think about it anymore.If there was even a little bit of extravagant hope before, this time, she has completely seen it through.

"Is mother still grieving for Master?" Su Xiaoer crawled beside Su Waiwai, raised her eyes and asked.

"From now on, I will never feel sad for him again." Su Waiwai picked up Su Xiaoer, straightened his expression, and said every word.

"I knew my mother was very strong, and she would never lose herself for a man." Su Xiaoer said, and kissed Su Waiwai's face hard twice.

Su Wai Wai smiled lightly, carried Su Xiaoer to the field, and continued to work in the field.

Not long after they left, Bei Yueluo's figure gradually turned from transparent to real. Looking at Bei Yueluo who was in deep thought, Xiaoxiao asked puzzledly, "Why is the young master so kind to Su Waiwai? Are you still standing here?" peeking at her?"

Although Bei Yueluo was always indifferent, she could feel that Bei Yueluo was very different from Su Waiwai.

(End of this chapter)

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