Chapter 212 The Super Devil Who Has Never Come After

Suwaiwai stood there lazily, unwilling to move, and said to Taohua in a low voice: "Huahua, go and get that thing back for me. Be gentle, don't scare him."

Peach Blossom came out cheerfully, and quickly arrived in front of Lingcao.

The spirit grass wailed and begged for mercy frequently, but Taohua was unmoved, rolled the spirit grass into a twist and threw it back into Suwaiwai's hand.

"Huahua, tell me to be gentle, don't scare the little things." Su said with a smile, but she grabbed the dead branches with all her strength and slapped them hard, but she still didn't want to give up: "Seeing that the girl is still running, don't you?" Frightened by this girl's beauty?!"

Lingcao whimpered in pain and protested silently.It is said that there is a female devil head out of Xiuxianmen, with a vicious heart, who specializes in abusing these spirit herbs and fairy herbs.It didn't believe it at first, but this time, it really believed that Su Wai Wai was a super devil.

This woman is really scary, too violent!
Whether Lingcao was willing or not, he was beaten up by Su Wai Wai, and then thrown roughly into the Realm of Last Dreams.

The spirit grass enters the Realm of Last Dreams, meets her companions, and can't help talking right and wrong, and the spirit grasses suddenly have a common language.Just when they were slandering Su Wai Wai, a voice suddenly interjected: "You are so right. Su Wai Wai is a super villain who has never been seen before or since!"

Lingcao Qiqi turned to look at the source of the sound, only to see a giant cyan caterpillar not far behind them, smiling heartlessly at them.

All the grasses were vigilant, suddenly felt something bad, I don't know who ran first, all the grasses rushed towards the live field cultivation field, a few slow-moving spirit grasses were dragged under the body by the caterpillars, and they were heavily crushed. Back, it was thrown out again by the caterpillar as a hidden weapon.

For a while, the Space of Last Dream was in turmoil, and there were cries of spirit grass everywhere, occasionally mixed with Xiaoqing's arrogant laughter.

Xiaoqing felt that he had played enough, so he stretched himself. It has now advanced to the third level, has spiritual consciousness, and can see the outside scene.Seeing that Su Waiwai was having a great time playing in the mountains, he felt itchy for a moment, and also ran out of the Realm of Last Dream.

"Su Wai Wai, miss me?" Xiao Qing rolled to Su Wai Wai's feet and put on an expression that she thought she was very handsome.

Suwaiwai glanced at Xiaoqing, with disgust on his face, stretched his legs and kicked him away, saying, "Xiaoqing, you've become uglier as you evolve, why are you becoming more and more like a caterpillar? It's disgusting."

I don't know what Su Xiaoer's vision is, but he actually found such an ugly spirit beast.In terms of spirit beasts, she had to admit that the mother and son had very poor eyesight, and they only picked the ugliest spirit beasts to raise.

Xiaoqing erected her body, which can be stretched freely like a spring, wanting to be as tall as the towering ancient tree.

He looked down at Su Wai Wai who opened his mouth from a high position and asked, "Am I handsome now?"

Suwaiwai frowned and looked at him for a while, then shook her head and said, "It's so ugly that I don't have to eat today." She said, and threw a Pigudan into her small mouth to suppress the shock.

Xiaoqing's body fell heavily to the ground immediately, and there was a loud "bang", and the birds flew away and the beasts scattered.

"Are you tired? If you dare to make trouble again, I'll let Huahua be you!" Su Waiwai immediately dodged, still ashamed, and yelled at Xiaoqing in anger.

Xiaoqing didn't dare to play anymore, obediently crawled up to Suwaiwai, hugged her thigh: "Master, I'm hungry, can you let me eat some Pigudan?"

(End of this chapter)

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