Chapter 217 The Heart Is Bleeding: Nothing Is Gone

After being slapped twice by Su Wai Wai, Tao Hua didn't dare to object, and obediently let Su Wai Wai "bully".

While teaching Taohua a lesson, Su Waiwai sneaked away, hoping that after this little episode, Bei Yueluo would forget about her as a little person, and don't care about her like that.

If she had known that Bei Yueluo's mouth was not easy to kiss, and kissing was tasteless, she would not have kissed...

Seeing Bei Yueluo who was blocking his way, Su Waiwai blinked her beautiful eyes lightly, and then smiled at Bei Yueluo flatteringly: "Master rarely comes to the Space of Last Dreams, if you see something you like, just take it .”

"Are you sure?" Bei Yueluo opened her lips coldly, with an expressionless expression, she wanted Su Waiwai to change her words.

But the person in front of him has a bad temper. He said he was an immortal, but in fact he was too small to die.

For the sake of her own life, she bit the bullet and nodded.

Beiyue fell to the living field, flew to the front of the ginseng fruit trees, and the palm wind swept by, and the fruitful ginseng fruit trees quickly decreased.

Su Waiwai was dumbfounded, she was so distressed, she said loudly: "Master, that's enough, that's enough, don't do this, I won't kiss you again!"

Bei Yueluo pushed Suwaiwai away, and then wiped out all the ginseng fruits without a trace, and then swept towards the evergreen fruit.

Su Waiwai's heart was bleeding, Xiaoqing's heart was not like this, Xiaosan also rushed into the Dreaming Space when she heard the movement, and screamed when she saw it: "No, my green fruit!!"

Bei Yueluo finished the sweep quickly, leaving a ginseng fruit and a green fruit at the end. After thinking for a while, he turned sideways and said, "Okay, Suwaiwai, I'll leave you two fruits for my teacher."

Su Wai Wai sat on the ground blankly, unexpectedly it would be like this.

She was reluctant to eat these fruits on weekdays, and wanted to use them to practice the five-revolution pill, but because she was not cultivated enough, she couldn't practice the five-revolution pill, so this matter has been procrastinating.

Unexpectedly, the result of her reluctance to eat was to be wiped out by Bei Yueluo.

"Bei Yueluo, you are so poisonous!!" Su Waiwai finally lost his temper, jumped on Bei Yueluo and punched and kicked him.

It's rare for Bei Yueluo to be in a good mood, letting Su Waiwai rage on him, it turns out that she can subdue this stubborn woman so easily, this feeling is not bad.

Xiaosan and Xiaoqing saw Su crooked shrew appearance, the two beasts couldn't bear to see such a miserable situation, so they turned their eyes away.

Seeing that Su Waiwai showed no sign of giving up, Bei Yueluo threw her off casually and left the Space of Last Dream.

As soon as Bei Yueluo left, Xiaoqing and Xiaosan surrounded Suwaiwai: "Suwaiwai, our green and ginseng fruits are gone, what are we eating now?!"

There was no Pigudan before, but fortunately, there were green fruits and ginseng fruits to fill my stomach.Normally Su Wai Wai would not be willing to give them food, but now it is healed, it was all wiped out by Bei Yue Luo, and there was no scum left, so it could only eat air in the future.

Su Waiwai's scalp was numb from Xiaosan and Xiaoqing's vicious eyes, it was her fault.If she hadn't been greedy for beauty, how could she have ended up in such a miserable situation?
Originally, their small life became rich and went straight to a well-off life, but now they are impoverished.

It doesn't matter if Xiao Qing and Xiao San are hungry, but her baby Xiao Er can't be half hungry.From now on, she will work hard to support the family's foodies.

Yes, she needs to regain her strength and not be knocked down by Bei Yueluo's vicious master.

"Hey, this ginseng fruit, you two share it. This green fruit is reserved for Xiao Er, you don't want to play with it, I will figure out a way!" Su said, throwing a ginseng fruit and then Rushed out of the Realm of Lost Dreams.

(End of this chapter)

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