Chapter 241 Meeting a strange man on the road
While Su Wai Wai was hanging her head in despair, she unknowingly threw herself into the arms of a man.She raised her eyes to look at the other party, but her eyes were as warm as jade.Those eyes looked so familiar.

"You are?" Su looked at the other side in confusion.

The man lifted his thin lips slightly towards her, and his warm eyes made people feel very comfortable.And this look made Su Wai Wai feel that this person seemed similar.

"I'm a new monk, everyone calls me Xiao Mo." The man in white smiled warmly at Su Wai Wai.

Su Waiwai grinned at him, and reached out to him: "I'm Su Waiwai, nice to meet you."

She has an inexplicable liking for the man in white, and the same for the one in front of her. Anyway, it's like meeting a relative, she feels very kind, and she has an inexplicable liking and trust for him.

Xiao Mo hesitated for a while, but finally stretched out his hand to Chao Su, holding her small white jade hand.

He grabbed Suwaiwai's jade hand, looked it over carefully, and then said: "You are a blessed woman, no matter what you want to do, as long as you persist, you can do well."

Su Waiwai looked at her fleshy palm, scratched her head and smirked cheerfully: "I'd be embarrassed if you said that. Actually, you just said it the other way around. I can't do anything well. I added my last life to this life. The only thing I want to do seriously is to cultivate immortality. Many times I want to give up halfway, but when I think about separating from Su Xiaoer, I have a reason to persist. Now, I am not sure..."

As she spoke, she walked forward in a daze. After walking for a while, she realized that Xiao Mo had fallen behind. She looked back and smiled: "When you encounter setbacks, what will you do?"

Xiao Mo smiled: "My life has been very smooth, and I have never encountered any setbacks!"

Su Waiwai heard the words but couldn't laugh: "A person like you will be struck by lightning one day. How can anyone never encounter setbacks? This kind of person should not be a human, but a fairy."

I believe that only gods don't understand the suffering in the world, Xiao Mo is very indebted.

Xiao Mo didn't speak, but quietly followed Su Wai Wai, listening to her chattering about the troubles of being a human being, and listening to her feelings when she met monsters.Su Waiwai talked tirelessly, until it was dark, she realized that she had been talking all afternoon, and Xiao Mo...

Xiao Mo was still standing ten feet away from her, a strange man.

"Am I noisy?" Su Wai Wai turned back to Xiao Mo and asked seriously.

Xiao Mo nodded truthfully.Su Wawai is the noisiest person he knows, and he can actually mutter to himself all afternoon.

"Are men annoyed by women like me?" Su Wai Wai asked again.

Xiao Mo thought about it and thought it should be, so he nodded again.

"Can you stop being so honest?" Su Wai Wai said and kicked Xiao Mo hard twice, Xiao Mo was not angry, but just looked at her tolerantly, looking a bit like a fairy with no temper.

Su Waiwai kicked Xiao Mo twice more, and then left without looking back: "I'm going to see my master, I won't talk to you stupid gourd anymore!"

As she spoke, she jogged forward.After running for more than ten steps, she turned her head and looked in the direction where Xiao Mo was standing. He was still standing there quietly, like a landscape that would not flow.A seemingly inconspicuous person, but he can really make her feel his existence.

(End of this chapter)

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