Chapter 261 Killing the Bat Demon

Suwaiwai's mother and son didn't want to make too much publicity, so they just posted a list, telling the townspeople where they could get the medicine.

Most of the townspeople obeyed the rules, but a few didn't, and the elixirs shattered into foam in their hands.

After that, no one dared to disobey the rules, and the pills were all in the hands of the townspeople in an orderly manner.

Su Wai Wai was exhausted, and such a high-intensity alchemy consumed her a lot of physical strength. Fortunately, after five years of retreat, although her cultivation base had not improved, her physical strength was much stronger than before.

At night, Su Waiwai could finally take a breather, but because of this, the bat demon was completely enraged.

The bat demon finds the hiding place of Su Waiwai's mother and son. Su Waiwai is exhausted and resting.At this moment, the bat demon arrived.

"Mom, go ahead, I'll deal with this monster!" Su Xiaoer whispered to Su Waiwai, and quickly transformed into a little monster, rushing towards the bat monster.

The bat demon has practiced for 500 years. At the beginning, he didn't pay attention to a little guy with no teeth. When he saw Su Xiaoer's transformation, the bat demon was taken aback. He flew away in an instant, and said in surprise: "Warcraft?!"

Su Xiaoer roared loudly at the bat demon, flew up, and attacked the bat demon.

However, the bat demon has wings and can fly, and it is far away from him in an instant, flying in mid-air, and he has no way to reach it.

Seeing this, the bat demon sneered: "It's just a monster without teeth. If you oppose me, you will seek your own death!"

"You will know later, who is looking for death!" Su Waiwai opened his eyes, looking up at the bat demon flying in mid-air.

The moment she got up, a unique aura that belonged to her flowed from her body.The bat demon was both surprised and delighted: "The soul of another world?!"

This is literally a gift to your door.As long as it devours the body and primordial spirit of the soul of another world, it can save tens of millions of years of practice and directly ascend to the ascension. Such a good thing, can it be its turn?
The bat demon was overjoyed, seeing it in his eyes, he casually raised his fingers towards the bat demon, and said with a smile: "Yes, any monster wants to swallow me alive, now it's finally your turn, you If you don’t seize the opportunity, you will be too sorry for yourself.”

Seeing that Su Wai Wai had no fear, the bat demon hesitated.It tried again uncertainly, but it couldn't feel the spiritual pressure emanating from her body at all, which proved that the female monk had no cultivation level, but it was not afraid of dealing with a waste.

Now that the bat demon gained confidence again, it opened its huge mouth and attacked Suwaiwai.

Su Wai Wai scolded coquettishly: "Hua Hua, get rid of this stinky monster blocking my way, I want it to die ugly!!"

The peach blossom came out in response, and she turned into a peach blossom sword, hitting the vital parts of the bat demon's body.The moment he saw the Peach Blossom Sword, the Bat Demon was secretly surprised, because it could feel the strong immortal energy emanating from the Peach Blossom Sword. This female useless monk actually has a fairy magic weapon by her side?
It wanted to retreat at the first moment, soaring in the air, but there were several gusts of wind behind it hitting its whole body.

It groaned secretly, trying to escape but was powerless.It could even hear the sound of its own body being torn apart. The moment the flesh burst out, it was forcibly dismembered into countless pieces by a peach blossom sword.

Su Xiaoer immediately put Su Waiwai on his back, and rushed away in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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