Chapter 276
The sky is clear, the autumn wind is rustling, the sun is shining high in autumn, and it is dazzlingly white. It is a good time for autumn to be refreshing.

There were people coming and going in the town, because of the Longhushan gathering, all the monks gathered together, and there were hawkers hawking everywhere.

Su Xiaoer jumped up and down, looking around curiously: "Mother, there are so many people..."

Su Wai Wai rolled her eyes in disdain, Su Xiao Er was really a country bumpkin, and it was strange that there were so many people.

"Mom, those things look so good..."

Su Wai Wai despised the little guy's words again.

"Mom, I want a noodle doll..." The little guy stood in front of the noodle stall and refused to leave, staring at Su Waiwai, almost teary-eyed.

Before Su Waiwai could reply, An An couldn't wait to spend out of her own pocket, planning to buy a doll for the little guy.

Unexpectedly, Su Xiaoer was picky, shook his head and said, "I want my mother to buy me a dough doll."

An An and Cai Yun both looked at Su Wai Wai, the peddler was also looking at Su Wai Wai, and other passers-by who were glued to the cute baby's face also turned their eyes at the same time.

It has to be said that Su Xiaoer's beauty trick is very powerful at any time, and can kill people invisible.

Su Waiwai didn't dare to go against the wishes of this little ancestor, so he hurriedly paid out of his own pocket, but after spending a long time, he only took out a penny.

She looked at the owner of the noodle shop with a dry smile: "Boss, can it be cheaper, a penny?"

Passers-by saw it, and Qi Qi shook his head, such a good-looking child has such a poor mother, how pitiful.

The boss is also very pitiful, he didn't do two business for a long time, and finally came one, seeing the little guy's pink and tender, he thought he was a little rich man, but who knew there was such a poor mother.

"Here, this noodle doll is the best in my store, and it costs ten cents." The boss felt quite bitter, almost bursting into tears, begging Su Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai Wai to let him go.

"Xiaoer, you can figure it out yourself, I only have one penny." Su looked at Su Xiaoer.

Su Xiaoer and Su Waiwai made eye contact for a while, and then he kissed the boss twice: "Uncle, I really like human face dolls, can you sell them to me?"

The little guy's immature voice is soft and sweet, which makes people feel uncomfortable. Coupled with the use of a lot of emotion, the boss's heart is broken. Who would have the heart to reject such a cute child?

The boss was obsessed with sex for a while, and readily agreed.

Su Xiaoer hurriedly took the face man, and Su Waiwai paid a penny in time. The two mothers and sons hurriedly left the crime scene for fear that the boss would repent.

An An and Cai Yun looked at the noodle shop owner who was about to cry, looked at each other, shook their heads and laughed, and caught up with Su's mother and son.

"My mother is good or bad, I cheated a dough doll for a penny." Su Xiaoer looked at the dough doll happily, smiling from ear to ear.

"You kid is even worse, relying on your good looks to use beauty tricks on other bosses." Su Waiwai couldn't help but think of the stupidity of the boss just now.

When they arrived in front of a noodle shop, Su's mother and son stopped at the same time, and looked back at An An eagerly.

An An understood what their eyes meant, so she led the couple into the noodle shop.

"Boss, give me the biggest bowl of beef noodles, more meat and less noodles!" Su Wai Wai said loudly very rudely.

Seeing this, Su Xiaoer was unwilling to be seconded: "Boss, I want the biggest and biggest bowl of beef noodles, with lots of meat!"

(End of this chapter)

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