Chapter 279

Before Suwaiwai finished speaking, Xiahou hugged her tightly: "That's it, we'll see each other once a year, because I'm the emperor, once I open my mouth, it's an imperial decree, you're not allowed to say 'no' !"

Su Wai Wai nestled in Xia Hou's warm embrace, grinning wryly.

She knew that among the three men, only Xia Hou was stubborn, and he didn't approach her purposefully.Although he is often disgusting, in fact, he is a very good man.

Just ask an emperor who has no harem so far, and only knows how to fight here and there.Saying that he is ambitious, he may not be an ambitious man, but he will definitely be a good emperor, she believes in him.

Xiahou hugged Suwaiwaiwai's soft body for a long time before letting go reluctantly.

He turned around silently and left. Under the bright sun in the sky, his slender figure was dragged for a long time, gradually forming a blur of light and shadow...

Su Waiwai felt that her beautiful eyes were dry and stinging for no reason, making her a little uncomfortable.

This is different from the feeling of being injured in Baili Liancheng that time.There was a little more helplessness, and a little more sadness, because she hurt a man who treated her sincerely.

"Mother, let's go back." Su Xiaoer's voice woke up Su Wai Wai's thoughts.

She looked at the little guy beside her, held him in her arms, and murmured softly, "Son. I suddenly understood something."

"What is it?" the little guy asked curiously.

"Life is sweet, life is bitter, and the most bitter thing is the word 'love'. Master is right." Su Waiwai smiled lightly, and the autumn wind blew slightly, with the fragrance of flowers and fruits, tangy and refreshing. Come on, refreshing.

When Su Xiaoer heard the words, she exaggeratedly said "wow": "Mother's comprehension ability is too strong, and she was born suitable to be a monk. I think that mother may soon break through."

"You brat, how dare you make fun of your old lady?" Su Waiwai heard the teasing in the little guy's tone, and slapped the little guy on the head.

Su Xiaoer smiled and nestled between Su Waiwai's neck: "I am a filial son, I dare not do things like repenting against my mother!"

Su Wai Wai smiled, hugging the child tightly in her arms, with a satisfied expression on her face.

In fact, she should see through everything, but she still can't see through, she still wants to fall in love, and still wants to live with the man she likes forever, because she feels that life will be barren without love, even if she has endless love at that time. Sometimes, she will also feel that such a life is too poor.

This night, Su Waiwai went to bed very early, and the next day, she also woke up very early.

From a distance, Xia Hou could be seen, he was chatting and laughing with Su Fu, his handsome face was radiantly illuminated by the autumn sun, he was a charming, elegant and alluring man.

She thought that this was the first time she had looked at Xia Hou so seriously, and maybe it would be the last time.

Feeling her focused gaze, Xia Hou turned to look at her, and met her gaze in the air.

Su Waiwai showed a warm smile to Xia Hou, walked towards him slowly, took his arm and said, "Today is my second match, let's go, cheer for me."

Xia Hou gently stroked her velvet hair, hugged her and went to the competition venue together.

Su Fu stood there, looking puzzled at the men and women who left side by side, and murmured in a daze, "Did I miss something important?"

"Brother Xia is much cuter than your brother Su." Su Xiaoer replied old-fashionedly, and left with short legs.

(End of this chapter)

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