Chapter 319 Little Three Evolved, Caught Lingquan

Su Wai Wai thinks that she has nothing, and now she has a lot of time to be bored, and it is best to use it to catch the spirit spring.

Su Waiwai's Ruyi played loudly, and from the beginning of this day, he was looking at the time when Lingquan would appear.As soon as the Lingquan appeared, she would use the kitchen knife to fly into the air and grab the Lingquan herself.

I thought that as long as there is perseverance, the iron pestle can be ground into a needle.Time passed silently, she didn't know how long it had passed, but she only knew that doing the same thing day after day became more and more boring.

On this day, Su Wai Wai failed again, and she feebly entered the Space of Last Dream, only to find that Xiao San was rummaging through boxes and cabinets.

She rushed forward excitedly, hugged Xiao San and kissed him hard: "Little San, I miss you so much!"

Xiao San was a little flattered, wondering if Su Wai Wai had received some extreme stimulation, if not, how could he be so abnormal?To say such loving words to a spiritual pet like him.

"Uh, I, I miss Master a lot too." Xiaosan muttered, strange that Su Wai Wai didn't scold him.

"Little San, go and do something for me now." Su Waiwai said, and solemnly handed the spoon to Xiao San.

Xiaosan took the water ladle, not daring to look directly at Su Wai Wai's earnest eyes, he suddenly had a creepy feeling.

"Yes, what are you going to do?" Xiaosan didn't dare to speak too loudly, and laughed carefully.

"Of course I went to grab the Lingquan, I found it!" Su Waiwai said and pulled Xiaosan out of the Realm of Lost Dreams.

Xiaosan breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words, it turned out that it was Shao Lingquan who made him jump around, thinking that Su Wai Wai would hand him a hard job.But he didn't hear clearly that Su Wai Wai said the word "catch".It is "grasping" Lingquan, not spooning Lingquan.

"That thing is over there." Su Wai Wai pointed her finger above the sky, half-closed her beautiful eyes at her perfect spiritual spring.Damn Wushan Lingquan, one day she will catch it, swallow it into her stomach and then chew it to pieces, never to be reborn!
Xiaosan looked in the direction Su Wai Wai Wai Wai Jade Finger was pointing at, opened her beast's mouth wide open, and stood there dumbfounded.

"The spiritual spring is in the air?!" Xiaosan muttered, thinking she was dazzled.He rubbed his eyes uncertainly, and then looked into the air, only to see Lingquan put on a face, winking at him, taking it for granted that he was making fun of him.

"Nonsense, if it's so easy to catch, I need you to do it?! Little San, you've been with me for many years without any achievements, now it's time for you to play your role." Su Waiwai grinned at Little San, telling him to act immediately .

Xiaosan didn't dare to raise any objections, quickly shrank her body, and flew up.After retreating, his cultivation has improved a little. At the very least, he can change the size of his body, his wings have also evolved, he can fly in mid-air, and his speed is not bad.

Lingquan didn't care about Xiaosan's appearance at first, and was still in the mood to make fun of Xiaosan's ugliness, but unexpectedly, this ugly four-shaped elephant could suddenly fly, and what was even more strange was that as soon as the four-shaped elephant flew, its speed slowed down, no matter how hard it tried , Sixiang's terrifying laughter was not far behind him.

When Lingquan came back to his senses, he couldn't help letting out a wail, he couldn't believe that he was caught by an ugly four-figure.

Not to mention that Lingquan didn't want to believe this cruel fact, even Su Waiwai was dumbfounded.She was already surprised that Xiao San could fly suddenly, but when Xiao San flew to catch Lingquan, she felt even more strange that Lingquan ran so slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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