Chapter 324 Don't Be a Motherless Poor Child

It took Su Xiaoer a while to come back to his senses, broke through the prohibition, and rushed out of the Last Dream space.Almost at the same time, Xiaoqing also rushed out of the Realm of Lost Dreams and came to the cave.

This is a dark cave, inside you can't see your fingers, but Su Xiaoer can see Xiaosan sitting in the same place.The cave can be seen through at a glance, but there is no trace of Suwaiwai.

"Xiao San, where's my mother?" Su Xiaoer asked hoarsely, her pink lips trembling, her voice was unsteady.

Xiao San shook his head and pointed to the location of the stone wall.

Su Xiaoer rushed to the stone wall and looked up and down, only to see that the stone wall was intact, with no signs of burnt, let alone Su Waiwai.

"Little San, tell me where my mother is!" Su Xiaoer rushed back to Xiao San and shouted at him.

Xiaosan replied hoarsely: "I don't know either, the moment the little master and Xiaoqing rushed out, the master disappeared, right here..."

It seems that Su Waiwai deliberately insisted on not disappearing until Su Xiaoer and Xiaoqing came out of the dream space.

But why did it disappear?He didn't understand even more.

"Didn't I always say that I was a divine beast? Why didn't you help my mother when she was in trouble?" Su Xiaoer beat Xiaosan hard with her small fist, crying out of breath.

Xiaosan knew he was in the wrong, but he never expected that Su Waiwai would die in order to save him.

"What happened, Xiaosan, tell me in detail." Xiaoqing glanced at the crying little guy and asked rationally.

Xiao San told the story of the incident in this way, because the incident developed too fast, and before he even had time to figure out what was going on, Su Waiwai was taken away by the cave fire.

When Su Xiaoer heard what happened, he rolled and rolled in the cave, waving his short legs wildly: "Little San, return my mother, I don't want to be a poor motherless child..." He cried earth-shatteringly, and then Throwing on Xiaosan, pulling his animal skin hard: "I want mother, I want mother, you give back my mother, Xiao San, you give back my mother..."

Little San couldn't argue.This time, it was his fault, Su Waiwai's disaster was all because of him.

Only Xiaoqing was the most rational at the scene. After all, it is normal for a child to be severely hit and unable to think normally.

"Master, don't worry. Xiaosan is still very well. This proves that the master's mother is still alive. Maybe she was taken to some hidden space by the cave fire. Let's search again, and maybe we can find the exit." Xiaoqing's voice came into the room. In the ears of Su Xiaoer, who was rolling and playing on the ground.

He opened his tearful eyes, his long eyelashes were stained with tears, his black pupils were as clear and bright as if they had been washed, he looked at Xiaoqing eagerly and asked.

Xiaoqing nodded vigorously: "Of course it's true! The master and the spirit beast have made a life-and-death bond, live together and die together, and Xiaosan is doing well, which proves that the master's mother is still alive, and our top priority is to find the master's mother back. There is another universe in this cave, we will work together to find your mother."

Xiao San was not happy at all when he heard the words, because he remembered the skeleton monk before.

"Will the master also become a skeleton?" Xiaosan muttered, thinking that this possibility is very high.

Xiao Qing and Su Xiaoer looked at each other, rushed to Xiao San at the same time, kicked him hard to relieve his anger.Xiao San didn't dare to move, it was his fault after all.

"If you dare to curse my mother again, I'll kill you!" Su Xiaoer yelled at Xiao San angrily, her little face flushed red.

(End of this chapter)

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