Chapter 337
Su Xiaoer immediately threw away the bowl and chopsticks, and said loudly to Su: "Mother doesn't love me!"

Seeing that everyone's eyes were on her, Su Waiwai replied with a small face: "Little guy, don't be like this, let people see it as a joke. You are my only family member. If I don't love you, who should I love? It's a big deal for me. Let you eat all my bowl of noodles."

Unexpectedly, Su Xiaoer suddenly sat down on the ground, rolled on the ground, and cried earth-shatteringly: "I don't want it, I don't want it, mother doesn't love me, she doesn't love me, she only thinks about herself..."

"You child, why are you so bad-tempered? I've said it all, you are my favorite child, and it's no wonder I don't love you." Su Waiwai said as she was about to help the little guy up, but the little guy tried hard push her away.

Su Waiwai couldn't stand firmly, and was pushed to the ground by the little guy.

Su Xiaoer even took the opportunity to cry and ran out of the noodle restaurant. Seeing this, Su Waiwai was heartbroken and burst into tears, and chased in Su Xiaoer's direction while crying: "Son, you can't leave your mother behind." Me, son..."

Her weeping was so desolate that those who heard it were sad, and those who watched it shed tears, like a pair of mother and son who love each other deeply.

The shopkeeper sighed directly, seeing the lovely mother and son running away, and then turned back to the noodle shop.

After watching the bustle, the customers in the store returned to their tables and continued eating noodles.

When the shopkeeper saw the seat where Su Waiwai's mother and son had sat, he remembered that the mother and son did not pay each other.

He froze in place at the moment, and suddenly wondered if the mother and son were just playing.

Soon he shook his head, telling him that he was suspicious.That child is so young and can't speak clearly, how could he have such superb acting skills at this age?

It's just that the money for four bowls of noodles flew away like this. After all, I feel a little distressed.But in today's unstable world, Japanese pirates come and go from time to time, so it is really not easy to make a little money.

The shopkeeper in this room felt sorry for the four bowls of noodles that he hadn't received, while Su's mother and son ran a long way away in that room, and after making sure that no one was chasing after them, they breathed a sigh of relief and nestled in a corner in a daze.

"Mother, I'm not full yet." Su Xiaoer lay on Su's crooked lap and acted like a baby.

"I was just going to talk about you. Why didn't you finish eating and then act again, I almost didn't follow your footsteps." Su Waiwai was also depressed, thinking of the two unfinished bowls of noodles, her heart ached.

"It's more real this way. After we finish eating and perform again, everyone will know that we have no money to pay." Su Xiaoer said weakly.

He didn't want to do that either. It's always bad to eat free food. If there is a chance, he must return it.

"That's right, the son is smarter." Su Waiwai felt that Su Xiaoer's words were reasonable.

She pulled Su Xiaoer to get up even more, when someone kicked her away suddenly, Su got angry and looked up at him.After seeing the other party's clothes clearly, she half-closed her beautiful eyes.

There is no doubt that this is the so-called Japanese pirates!Judging by the ferocious posture of this group of people, they must be doing bad things such as rape, rape and robbery.

"Mother, where are you going?" Seeing Su Waiwai quietly following a group of strangely dressed men, Su Xiaoer asked in confusion.

"These bad guys are definitely going to do bad things, let's follow and see!" Su Wai Wai held Su Xiaoer's hand tightly, and followed behind the pirates.

I saw Japanese pirates kicking people when they saw them, and taking what they liked when they saw them. For a while, people on the street turned on their backs and complained.

When the Japanese pirates went to the noodle shop where they ate for free, Su squinted her beautiful eyes halfway, thinking of a way to pay for the noodles.

(End of this chapter)

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