Chapter 341 Time flies, ten years in Wushan

Therefore, I still have to pay back the debt I owed, so that I can feel at ease.

Su Xiaoer snickered, not embarrassing Su Waiwai anymore.

As he expected, after returning to the city, Su Wai Wai went to bed early, woke up early the next morning, and walked out of the inn.Su Xiaoer quietly followed Su Waiwai, and saw that she bought a bunch of candied haws for a child, and gave the child some silver coins, and told him something in the child's ear.

The child happily agreed, and while eating candied haws, he handed over the broken silver to the innkeeper.

Su Waiwai let go of her heart, hummed a little tune and went back to the inn.

Su Xiaoer pretended not to see anything. After all, his mother just loves face. She is typically hard-spoken and soft-hearted, and she can't do anything bad.

The two mothers and sons left the town by the sea that day, heading for the border of the Western Merchants.

Along the way, they heard a lot of news about the new emperor, saying that the new emperor had just conquered Xishang, and the so-called new emperor was Xia Hou.

On this day, Suwaiwai's mother and son were eating at the inn, but they heard some gossip people talking about Xia Hou.

A man with triangular eyes was frothing: "The new emperor is really amazing. But in more than ten years, the three lakes and seven countries have been recovered, and now the western merchants have also been captured. The next step, the new emperor's goal is to be the east." Shang! I believe that in another ten years, the new emperor will be able to dominate the world and become the supreme king of the world..."

Suwaiwai's mother and son frowned, ten years?

Is something wrong?Didn't Xiahou start to recover other countries only a few years ago?What's more, at that time, only two countries and one lake were recovered. How could it take more than ten years to recover three lakes and seven countries?
Su Waiwai winked at Su Xiaoer, Su Xiaoer understood, pulled one of the gossiping men and asked, "Uncle Uncle, how long has the new emperor been emperor?"

The man laughed when he heard the question: "It has been 17 years since the new emperor ascended the throne as the Xixia emperor, so naturally it is [-] years..."

As soon as the man finished speaking, the teacup in Su Wai Wai's hand fell to the ground with a "bang", smashing his body to pieces.

The movement on her side attracted everyone's peeping.

It was only then that Su Waiwai realized her gaffe, she eased the expression on her face, and still couldn't believe that she had been in Wushan for ten years just like that.

The ridiculous thing is that Su Xiaoer was born 17 years ago, but he is still just a little child with no teeth.

People say that time flies, and at this moment she realized the profound meaning of it.

Su Xiaoer was also quite frightened. He asked in disbelief, "Uncle, is this true? Our new emperor is so old?"

Everyone was amused by Su Xiaoer's childish words, and after everyone finished laughing, the man replied: "Although the new emperor has been on the throne for 17 years, he is still young and not old at all, but it is impossible for us ordinary people to look up to the new emperor." The demeanor of the emperor, the new emperor is a generation of heroes..."

Su Xiaoer was not in the mood to listen any more, Su Waiwai was also in a daze, the mother and son left the inn in a daze, and walked under the setting sun, after a long time, the two let out a long sigh: "Alas..."

"Stinky boy, why are you sighing?" Su asked Su Xiaoer, who was as big as a kid, sideways.

"As long as I think of my happiest childhood spent on the mountain for ten years like this, I can't help crying." Su Xiaoer's sour appearance was directly given a severe blow by Su Wai Wai.

This guy never had any kind of childhood, he grew up as a kid when he was born, he knows everything, he is more sophisticated than ordinary adults.

(End of this chapter)

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