Chapter 360 The Golden Little Spirit Beast
"Naturally, it looks like that girl, Waiwai, has also boasted a lot to you." Cai Yun was about to push open the door of the room as he spoke.

At this time someone came out from the room, but it was Su Xiaoer who was short-handed and short-legged.

The little guy was only a little longer than their knees, and he was still swaying when he walked, but he was more talented than his mother. He had already run ahead of his mother and became a monk in the early stage of Jindan.

"Senior brothers and sisters looking for my mother? My mother has something on her mind recently, saying that she is going to retreat, and she doesn't want to see anyone, including everyone including master, brother and sister!" Su's second mistress said childishly, and said to the two The adult grinned, and he blocked the door, preventing the two adults from entering.

An An and Cai Yun looked at each other, and finally An An stepped forward to speak: "Tell your mother, don't force anything. We didn't take her refining Yandan to heart at the beginning, and only hoped that she would spend time on cultivation. Your mother is out of customs, so tell her so."

"Okay, brothers and sisters, let's go slowly, I won't see you off." As soon as Su Xiaoer finished speaking, he closed the door with a "bang".

They are all waiting for the golden egg to hatch, to see what kind of thing will hatch out, and they must not miss the most exciting scene...

Su Xiao Erxuan even entered the realm of the legacy.

An An and Cai Yun looked at each other and smiled wryly, thinking that Su Xiaoer was angry with them because of Su Wai Wai.

Last Dream Space.

The family of the Su family stood in front of the Lingquan every day, staring intently at the golden eggs soaked in the Lingquan for several days, wondering why the golden eggs hadn't hatched after such a long time.

The whole family of beasts guarded day and night without daring to close their eyes, who knew that the thing would not come out anyway.

"I can't do it anymore, go and squint for a while. Xiaoqing, call me when he comes out later." Xiaosan's pair of animal eyes became a national treasure panda, yawning again and again.

When he was born before, he was never treated as well as this so-and-so. I remember that when he was born, there was not even the slightest applause, and it was impossible for someone to guard his egg for three days and three nights.

I think when he was born, it was refreshing, but not as uneasy as the golden egg.

"I'm going to lie down for a while too," Xiaoqing couldn't support herself, so she found a place to lie down and collapsed, and soon fell asleep.

Su Xiaoer looked at the two beasts who were sleeping poorly, and suddenly felt that she was also very sleepy.He is still at the age of growing up, just a small child, unable to bear such an inhuman life.

Su Xiaoer crawled into Su Waiwai's arms, found the most comfortable position, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

As for Su Wai Wai, seeing everyone sleeping so ugly, she couldn't help but yawned again and again, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

The Su family slept soundly, but they didn't realize that shortly after they fell asleep, the golden egg finally moved and stirred violently in the pool.

The four members of the Su family, who had just fallen asleep, were woken up. They looked at the source of the sound immediately, and saw a golden light soaring into the sky, and the golden egg was lifted out of the water of the Lingquan. After a while, the golden egg gradually split into two under the shroud of light. .

The four members of Su's family gathered at the Lingquan almost at the same time, and looked at the little thing in the eggshell.

I saw a spirit beast about the size of a cat nesting in the eggshell. His body hair was pure gold, even his eyes were shining gold, and even the hair on its long tail was shining golden.As for the facial features, they are similar to those of a cute puppy, very lovable.

(End of this chapter)

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