Chapter 680
"Waiwai, just let him follow me. After all, he was just born, so I can figure out his name." An An immediately shook her head, not daring to put her spirit beast in Suwaiwai's hands and trample on it.

As far as Su Waiwai's ability in naming, he is called Su Waiwai, his son is called Su Xiaoer, and the spirit beast is called Xiaosan, maybe there will be three, four, five or six in the future.If her little junior sister were to name her spirit beast, she would call her spirit beast Xiao Shi.

Hearing the words, Su Waiwai frivolously took An An's fragrant shoulders, and grinned at her lovely senior sister: "Senior sister, you must know that not everyone is so enthusiastic. Your spirit beast is too skinny, really If you need to be disciplined, hand him over to me!"

An An shook her head, and replied with a dry smile: "Wai Wai, I really don't need it, he was just born and needs love..."

"Really not?" Su asked with a smile.

"No!" As soon as An An finished speaking, she saw Su Waiwai waving at Xiaosan: "Little San, come and bring this ugly thing to our house to learn the ancestral precepts of Xiuxian Sect."

"Yes, master!" Xiaosan's eyes lit up, and he quickly arrived behind An An, about to catch the spirit beast.

Unexpectedly, the spirit beast reacted very quickly and jumped away quickly.

Little San is not willing to give up, and immediately catches up.

For a moment, An An's family was flying like dogs and dogs, Xiaosan was happy to catch it, and the spirit beast escaped even more happily.

An An looked anxiously at the messy house, and finally vacated the place to let the spirit beasts make trouble by themselves.

From her point of view, this spirit beast of hers is not a good thing, otherwise she wouldn't run away so cleverly.

On the other hand, Su Waiwai was watching the scene with great interest, and yelled while watching: "Stupid little San, can you move faster?"

Even if he couldn't catch the spirit beast like this, it was fortunate that he had evolved to the seventh level.

Xiaosan broke out in a cold sweat, and replied loudly: "Master, it's not that I'm slow, it's that this dead thing escapes so fast!"

It was just born, and this spirit beast was actually faster than Xiaoqing.If this waits for the spirit beast to evolve, it will be terrible in the future.

Not only is he good-looking, but he is also so difficult to train, no wonder he doesn't like him.

Su Waiwai also saw the clue, and once again regretted helping An An catch such a good spirit beast.Knowing this, she took this thing as her own.

It was all caused by ulterior motives, otherwise it would not have resulted in today's result.

Su Waiwai drove everyone out of the room, and then summoned the kitchen knife.

"Baby, go, take that thing back to our house, that guy Xiaosan doesn't work." Su Waiwai couldn't wait any longer, and went straight to find the kitchen knife.

Hearing the sound, the kitchen knife jumped out to the spirit beast at a treacherous speed. It transformed into a giant spoon, and immediately scooped the fleeing spirit beast into its giant spoon.

The spirit beast struggled in agony in the giant spoon, and wailed loudly.

Falling into Su Waiwai's hands, why should he be torn apart by this woman?Imagining the terrible end he might have, the spirit beast shivered.

Su Waiwai twisted the giant spoon out of the room, and smiled at An An who was eavesdropping at the door: "Senior sister, don't worry, I will treat your baby well. If everything goes well, return him to senior sister before departure."

An An grabbed Su Wai Wai Wai's jade arm, and murmured, "Wai Wai, can you treat him a little better? He looks very small and can't stand it."

"Understood, I will treat him well." Su Wai Wai replied with a smile, then twisted the spirit beast and went to her small courtyard. There was a crowd of people waiting behind her, it was very lively.

(End of this chapter)

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