Chapter 704 Night Raid
Xiaosi groaned secretly, if he knew this, he would not show up, but asked him to keep watch at night with a container, Su Waiwai thinks highly of him too much.

"Do you have any objections? If you have no objections, go to bed!" Su Waiwai yelled at everyone.

Of course everyone has no objection, after all there is Xiaosi as a scapegoat, everyone is happy to see the success.Of course, Xiao Si didn't dare to have any opinions. You push me, I push you, and each go to sleep.

Su Wai Wai fell on the couch and fell into a deep sleep. While she was sleeping soundly, Xiao Si suddenly shouted: "Master, it's not good, it's on fire!!"

Su Waiwai opened her beautiful eyes when she heard the words, she stood up and looked around, and she saw the surrounding fire.

Su Waiwai hurriedly woke up the people who were still sleeping soundly, and immediately carried Su Xiaoer into Xiaosi's container.Xiaosan moved swiftly and ran into the container in time.As for Xiaoqing, who was a little too late, seeing that there was nowhere to run, she went straight back to the Space of Lost Dreams to take refuge.

Su Waiwai saw that everyone had arrived, and hurriedly ordered Xiao Si to go to the next door, where the situation was even worse, An An and the others were trapped in the fire tent, unable to come out.

"Xiao Si, hurry up, get them out!" As soon as Su Waiwai finished speaking, Xiao Si rushed into the flames.

Su Wai Wai screwed An An and the other four into the container, and Xiao Si led everyone out of the flames.

An An was still in shock, looking back at the sea of ​​flames, only to see the tent collapsed with a bang, leaving no slag left.

"What's going on, why did it suddenly catch fire?" Mo Xin'er swallowed and asked inexplicably.

If Su Waiwai hadn't reacted in time, they would have been burned to death.

"It's impossible to catch fire for no reason, someone must have framed it on purpose." Su Waiwai looked back at the other tents, and saw that all the tents were on fire.

It seems that the so-called competition has already started tonight.

After all the fires were extinguished, it was found that one sect was wiped out and no one survived.

Those people were burned into coke, and everyone looked forward, secretly thinking that it was too cruel.At this moment, the disciples who had been burnt into charcoal broke free from their black shells and struggled to their feet.

Just when everyone was dumbfounded, a middle-aged man with fluttering robes appeared, looked at the embarrassed crowd with a big smile and said, "The first round is to test your reaction to danger. Unfortunately, the The six monks from Zhenmen were wiped out and were eliminated in the first round. Yuqimen injured two monks, and they can continue to participate in the next round of competition. As for Xiuzhenmen and Xiuxianmen, they performed well, and they are all intact."

Su Waiwai heard the words and said displeasedly: "Don't play surprise attack next time, and let people sleep?"

Su Xiaoer hugged Su's crooked neck tightly, and echoed loudly: "That's right, it's a good time to sleep, it's so inhumane to make such a sudden move!"

The middle-aged man approached Su Xiaoer, pinched the little guy's face lightly: "Little baby is also a monk, yes, the reaction is very fast!"

"If you don't react quickly, you will be burned like this. Can you be unhappy?" Su Xiaoer slapped the middle-aged man's hand away angrily.

Does everyone come to touch his face, thinking that touching him does not require money?

"That's why we tested it after you fell asleep. A person's desire to survive can best reflect a person's potential." After the middle-aged man finished speaking, he smiled: "Okay, go on sleeping, there is still time before dawn. I forgot to mention that there are a total of ten competitions, if any sect stands out before the ten competitions, the competition can be ended early."

After finishing speaking, the middle-aged man walked away with a smile.

Suwaiwai's mother and son kicked the air behind the middle-aged man, there was a tacit understanding.

(End of this chapter)

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