Chapter 707

"Have you heard that the spiritual beast of a cultivator Wuwei can reach the fifth level of evolution?" Wang Hao interrupted the disciple and asked.

"This..." The male cultivator was at a loss for words for a moment, this matter was really weird.

Xiaosan's body suddenly became tall and strong just now, she was transforming.Such spirit beasts are at least above the fifth rank!If the master of the spirit beast has no cultivation base, how can the master's spirit beast evolve to level five or above?

"You can't judge by appearance. I once said that in the world of cultivating immortals, there is one kind of person that is the most terrifying, and that is the monk with a deep blessing. This kind of person is usually envied and hated. It is obvious that they have no talent, but they can always have various talents. Such an adventure. This kind of blessing, not everyone can cultivate it! Have you noticed that there is a magic weapon in the hand of the fairy. The magic weapon cultivated by the gods and souls, which monk in the world can have it?" Leng Tian frowned and said, suddenly feeling very heavy, he foresaw the unclear future of Xiuzhen Sect.

"Since there are no monks in the world who have a magic weapon to protect the body, how do senior brothers know that it is a magic weapon?" Xiang'er asked puzzled.

"I just overheard the conversation between the two elders by accident. When I heard it, I was also taken aback." Leng Tian was thoughtful: "Next, we must use surprise to win."

"But we don't know what problems the elders will have next, and it's impossible to guard against." Xiang'er also felt very heavy.

That night, Su Wai Wai's family slept soundly and sweetly.

The disciples of Xiuzhen Sect couldn't close their eyes all night, and they all guarded against the sudden appearance of the third round at night.

The next day, a arena was set up on the top of Nanshan Mountain.

The middle-aged man who likes to laugh is still in charge of the overall situation.

"What is this for?" Su looked at the calligraphy and painting on the stage in bewilderment, dare to try calligraphy?
Her handwriting is not bad, but if she competes with others, she really doesn't have the confidence to win.

I don't know how well the handsome men and beauties of Xiuzhen Sect write.

"See, there are three identical calligraphy and paintings in front of you. They are three feet away from you. You can't get close to the calligraphy and painting with your feet down-to-earth, and you can't fly over with the help of spirit beasts. There should be four words on the calligraphy and painting: Flowers are good and the moon is full. Now a good character is missing. Whoever can fill in the missing word 'good' in the calligraphy and painting in the shortest time will win the school!" The middle-aged man was still laughing heartlessly, but Su Wai Wai found that this man was smiling very cunningly. It's a typical old fox.

"I said, uncle, can you stop thinking about torturing people with such perverted things? Let's fight in a serious manner, is it so difficult?" Su Waiwai asked angrily.

It is three feet away from the calligraphy and painting, how can their arms be so long?It is simply not enough.What a fool!
"Girl Su, you are going to fight. If you have a chance in the future, win this round first. I am optimistic about your baby Su." The middle-aged man said cheerfully, making no secret of his love for Su's mother and son.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, Qiqi looked at Suwaiwai's mother and son.

Su Xiaoer's expression was blank: "Mother, why does Uncle like me?"

"How do I know?" Su Waiwai said, beckoning everyone to sit down: "You say, how do you fill the word 'good'?"

It is so far away, and you can't step on the ground to get close to calligraphy and painting, can you only fly?

An Anmei turned her eyes: "It's very simple, let Xiaosan fly over—"

"Uncle just said that you can't use the spirit beast to fly over, this trick is useless, think again." Su Waiwai interrupted An An.

(End of this chapter)

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