Chapter 743 Coquettish wins the first place (7)

Su Waiwai couldn't bear to look any longer, so he simply covered his eyes and said, "Su Xiaoer, wait for the results of the competition to come out later, and you can just tell me the results."

"Mother, don't be like this, maybe Xiaosan is trying to cheer up the atmosphere. That guy has always been slow to respond, and he does everything slowly, and soon he will return to his senses and get down to business." Su Xiaoer comforted Su Wai Wai.

"I really don't dare to look at it." Su Wai Wai buried her head and replied in a muffled voice.

She felt that her face was lost by Xiaosan, how could this guy never be in the mood?

It doesn't matter if she loses, but if she loses badly, how will she face her ancestors in the future? !

Amid Su Wai Wai's grievances, Xiao San continued to fight!

Xiang'er's spirit beast was not in a hurry to make a move, but just looked at Xiaosan coldly.

Xiaosan was infuriated by the spirit beast's disdainful eyes: "Look again, I have poached your eyeballs!"

The spirit beast looked at Xiaosan again with disdain.

It had long disliked Xiaosan, but relying on its own ability to speak, it actually made its owner very fond of it.You know, it is the master's spirit beast, and Xiaosan is actually useless except for being able to talk!
"What's the big deal!" The spirit beast's mocking eyes expressed this meaning.

Xiaosan immediately became angry, soaring into the sky, roaring angrily at the spirit beast.

The spirit beast was shocked for a while, took two steps back, and still looked at Xiaosan with haughty eyes.

Xiaosan was even more furious, anyone who dared to look down on him, he would beat him up!
At that moment, he flapped his gorgeous and dazzling wings, and slapped in the direction of the spirit beast.

The spirit beast had been prepared for a long time, it retreated briskly, thinking that it had avoided Xiaosan's attack.Unexpectedly, the direction of Xiaosan's wings had the lingering aftertaste of a hurricane, which made his body unsteady and almost fell to the ground.

The spirit beast barely supported its body, so as not to be more embarrassing.

Of course, Xiaosan would not give the spirit beast a chance to breathe, so he slapped the spirit beast with his wings again. This time, the spirit beast wanted to retreat, but Xiaosan used a false move, and the direction he wanted to attack was the spirit beast's escape. direction.

This time, the spirit beast failed to escape from under Xiaosan's demonic wings, and was slapped squarely.

The power of the hurricane was so terrifying that the spirit beast didn't even have time to react, and was sent flying into the sky by Little Sanyi's wings.

Seeing this, Xiang'er immediately flew with the sword, trying to catch the spirit beast's body.

If you fall from such a high altitude, you will be injured or killed.

It's a pity that Xiang'er's speed is not fast enough to reach the spirit beast.

At the moment when she was burning with anxiety, a huge spirit beast passed by her side, and instantly pinched the spirit beast that was falling at an accelerated rate.

Of course, this spirit beast is Xiaosan.

The spirit beast was terrified. At the last moment, it thought it was going to die, but it didn't expect to save its deadly enemy.

It subconsciously gave Xiaosan a grateful look, and Xiaosan gave it a look of disdain, threw it into Xiang'er's arms, and then rushed towards Suyue.

Su Waiwai couldn't bear to watch it at first, but then she couldn't help but quietly opened her eyes, just in time to see the scene of Xiaosan going crazy.

To be honest, this is the most handsome scene since Xiaosan entered her house.

Until Xiaosan threw her down, she was still a little out of shape.

"Little San, you won?" Su Waiwai asked as he straightened Xiao San's animal face.

Xiaosan rubbed against her arms hard, and replied with a smile: "Master, am I handsome?"

Su Waiwai nodded: "Yes, I have never seen a more handsome spirit beast than you."

(End of this chapter)

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