Chapter 774
Su Waiwai clapped her hands vigorously at the bottom, and said loudly: "Su Xiaoer, good job!"

Su Xiaoer triumphantly bowed his hands to everyone: "Brothers and sisters, at least I won, can you give some applause?"

Everyone sweated wildly, and then they clapped their hands together.

Su Xiaoer smiled with satisfaction, and jumped down from the ring.

Because the ring was too high, the little guy was too proud, and the moment he jumped off the ring, he fell to the ground again.

There was a smile in everyone's eyes again. After all, it was just a child, but this child was much smarter than ordinary people.

Su Waiwai helped Su Xiaoer up, and gave the little guy a thumbs up: "Su Xiaoer, that's great!!"

"Of course, I'm mother's son!" Su Xiaoer replied triumphantly, hugged Su's crooked face and kissed him twice.

With a crooked smile, Su also kissed Su Xiaoer's face a few times, and the two mother and son began to stage a scene of deep love between mother and child in public.

"Girl Su, the competition is about to begin!" Wu Changyuan finally couldn't help but reminded him aloud.

Su Wai Wai jumped up when he heard the words, and jumped on the radium platform.

"Mother, come on!" Su Xiaoer yelled from under the ring.

Su Wai Wai looked back and smiled, and then looked at his opponent.

It was a female cultivator from Yuqimen. She remembered that this female was good at riding and shooting and won a game.

Seeing her calm and composed appearance, Su Wai Wai felt that this woman had something to do with her.

Although Yuqimen has already withdrawn from the championship competition, they come out to disrupt the situation from time to time. This woman seems to be a master of disrupting the situation, and she dare not underestimate it.

"Su Wai Wai, you are not my opponent!" The female cultivator looked at Su Wai Wai with a faint smile, her face full of confidence.

Su Waiwai returned the nun with a faint smile; "That's not necessarily the case! Only after the competition can the winner be determined. I know you are good, so in order to make the competition interesting, why don't you let me go."

The female cultivator still smiled indifferently, and soon she swung her sword up, stabbing at the vital points of Su Waiwai's body.

Facts have proved that the female cultivator is not arrogant, but her swordsmanship is really good.

Her sword weaves into an impenetrable net, trapping Su Waiwai under her sword net.

Seeing the situation, the other spectators thought that Su Waiwai stopped here this time, and Wu Changyuan even overestimated Su Waiwai and underestimated the others.

Even the female cultivator herself thinks the same way.

Just when everyone thought that Su Waiwai had no chance of turning the tables this time, the situation in the arena changed suddenly.

At some point, Su Waiwai suddenly broke free from the sword net, and the Peach Blossom Sword in her hand pulled out a sharp sword flower, stabbing at the female cultivator's vitals with a sword technique that was so fast that she couldn't see clearly.

When she stopped, Su Wai Wai raised his sword and retreated more than three zhang.

Only then did everyone have time to look at the nun.I saw that there were holes pierced by swords all over her body, and a tattered dress was hanging on the female cultivator, which looked a little ridiculous.

This time, if Su Wai Wai hadn't been merciful, the female cultivator would have died on the spot.

Su Waiwai went to the female cultivator: "Accept!"

The female cultivator shook her head and laughed: "Thank you for your mercy, Suwaiwai, you are the first female cultivator that I admire from the bottom of my heart!"

Just now, Su Waiwai's swordsmanship was so fast that she didn't see clearly how many swords the opponent used.

"Your swordsmanship is also very good. My Huahua has always been strong, and she has not met an opponent so far." Su smiled crookedly, and walked off the ring with the female cultivator.

At this time, Mo Xin'er also ran to Su Wai Wai and asked, "Wai Wai, how many swords did you use just now?!"

(End of this chapter)

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