Chapter 817 Jumping to the Dragon Gate: Crooked Pill Formation (1)

Looking at the man's elegant walking posture, and the unintentionally charming nobleness, his crooked eyebrows became more and more tightly frowned.

She didn't know what went wrong, but she always felt that the man's back looked better the more he looked at it. The funniest thing was that this man was obviously very ordinary, so why did he just attract her attention?
Su Wai Wai struggled for a while, then went to the kitchen to watch the man cook.

It can be seen that the man really can't cook, and his clumsy appearance is so funny.

"I think, your vegetables are not washed clean." Seeing the man pick up some vegetables quickly, Su Waiwai interjected.

She couldn't help but tell the truth, this man knew at a glance that he wasn't the kind who knew how to do housework.

The man was stunned for a moment, his expression slightly embarrassed, and he said in a low voice, "I'll wash it again."

Ever since, because he was afraid that the washing would not be clean, the man washed it several times before giving up.

"Okay." Seeing that the man still wanted to continue, Su Waiwai could only speak.

The man was very obedient, he stopped his hand obediently, and planned to light a fire.

Two quarters of an hour later, Su Waiwai waited impatiently and asked, "Why are you worse than me at lighting a fire? I might have to wait until my hair turns gray when I wait for your meal."

The man almost missed the flint in his hand, he glanced back at the woman standing behind him, and said hoarsely, "Miss Su, can you move?"

"Why?" Su Wai Wai Wai Qiao Qiao smiled, and the light in her eyes was full of the beautiful little daughter's family style.

The man's breathing accelerated uncontrollably, his ears felt a little hot when he lowered his eyes.

Seeing the man's reddened ears, Su Waiwai couldn't help but burst out laughing.

Ganqing is a shy man, but she is bothering him by standing aside, right?
Judging by the situation, it must be a young child that has never opened buds to be so funny.

"Okay, I'll wait outside, don't make me wait too long. If I don't have food after half an hour, I'll go to another place to eat!" Su said, and went out of the kitchen without looking back. .

After confirming Su Wai Wai walked away, the man wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Seriously, it was stressful for him to have this woman standing by and watching.

After she left, he could let go and see how people cook and stir-fry.

At that moment, he closed the kitchen door, lit a fire with spells, turned it into a cookbook, and then changed the ingredients that should be there, and then followed the above steps to cook...

Su Wai Wai was very bored waiting outside, and she missed the noisy mistress very much.

It would be nice if that guy was here, he circled around her all day long, and what he said was so funny.

I really want to pull Xiaosan out, maybe Su Xiaoer...

"Miss Su, it's time to eat." A pleasant baritone voice awakened Su's thoughts.

Su Wai Wai turned her head to look at the man, and corrected her, "Call me Wai Wai from now on, it's always a girl's name, so I'm born."

She jumped up and jumped to the dining table, looking at the delicious food on the table.

The words "delicious delicacies" stunned Su for a while.

It was the first time for this man to cook, and the dishes seemed a little too good-looking. It only took about [-] minutes, and there were four dishes and one soup.

"Are you sure this is your cooking?" Su looked at the man in bewilderment, not quite believing him.

The man added a big bowl of rice to Su Wai Wai, and then helped her carry a lot of dishes: "It's the first time I'm making it, so I don't know if it suits your taste."

Su Waiwai took a bite uncertainly, and her eyebrows gradually frowned: "Are you sure this is the dish you stir-fried, and it's your first time to stir-fry?"

(End of this chapter)

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