Chapter 819 Jumping to the Dragon Gate: Crooked Pill Formation (3)

Su Waiwai thought that this time the pain would be over soon like the second time, but this time it was just the opposite.The pain at the beginning was far less than the never-ending pain that followed.

The blood flowed backwards all over her body, as if all the blood was concentrated on the top of the head, the pressure on the top of the head was huge, the blood swelled in the head, and the head seemed to explode at any moment.

Su Waiwai gritted her teeth, and finally realized that the third marrow washing was the most critical one.

If she couldn't persist, she might die during the marrow wash.

If she can persevere, maybe she can be reborn and embark on the right path of cultivating immortals.

For Su Xiaoer, for everyone who loves her, she has no way out and cannot give up halfway.

It was with this firm belief that Su Wai Wai went through the longest period of her life.And when she was about to be unable to hold on to this endless pain, she would think of Su Xiaoer, Xiaosan, and Bei Yueluo...

That's right, Bei Yueluo, she didn't even know all the grievances and grievances between Bei Yueluo and her, how could she just die like this?
She didn't know how many times her body was dismantled and reassembled. She only knew that after she was numb from the pain, her spiritual consciousness gradually entered her body.

She once again saw the Fire Sky Spiritual Root in her body.

This time it was no longer looming, there was a very obvious spiritual root, red as red flames, her spiritual energy radiated from that spiritual root all over her body, making her whole body feel comfortable.

She also saw that very naughty five-color fruit. He not only waved at her, but also moved the fruit and kissed her spiritual consciousness once.

That's how she saw Susu...

"Master, it's me, Susu!" Seeing the light of day, Susu happily leaned in front of Suwaiwai's spiritual consciousness.

"You're still in my body?" Su Waiwai was both surprised and delighted.

Susu was about to reply, when the five-color fruit that had drifted away suddenly turned back, pressing Susu back under her body.

Seeing Wu Seguo's dominance, Su Wai Wai reprimanded lightly: "How can you bully Su Su, let her go!"

Wu Seguo ignored Su Wai Wai, and made a grimace towards Su Wai Wai, this time he was kicked by Su Wai Wai's spiritual consciousness.

The five-color fruit rolled away, and for some reason, it suddenly became smaller and became a very small pill.It looks like it's made of gold.But if you take a closer look, there are faint five-color rays of light around the golden core, and the outermost layer is the most peaceful purple...

Su Waiwai wanted to see what happened again, but when she heard the movement outside, she suddenly opened her beautiful eyes wide.

She came out of the enchantment, and asked quietly: "Why are you arguing, how can I cultivate with such arguing?"

As soon as she came out, the people who were fighting together looked back at her at the same time, and then stared at her as if they had seen a ghost.

Seeing this, Su Waiwai lifted her lips and smiled: "I know, I must have become more beautiful, so everyone looks at me like this."

"Why is Master's face so swollen?" Xiao San was the first to recover, and asked Su Wai Wai.

Su Waiwai only hated that she didn't have a mirror in front of her, so she couldn't see her face, but seeing everyone's ghostly eyes made her a little discouraged.

When others retreat, she retreats, why does he become good-looking, but she becomes ugly?
Su Waiwai couldn't hold back her face, straightened Xiaosan's face and said, "You've become ugly too!"

She went to Xiaoqing again: "Xiaoqing, there is no doubt that you have become ugly too!"

Finally, she went to the silly little fool and took a closer look at his little face.

(End of this chapter)

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