Chapter 831 Magical City (3)

Su Wai Wai Wai Wai paused, and broke out in a cold sweat.

Damn it, she entered the fantasy city and was still in a daze. If it wasn't for the reminder from the Prophet Shenzhu, she might have just finished the game inexplicably without knowing what happened.

"Mother, why don't we follow Brother Ji?" Su Xiaoer looked back at Ji Chunqiu's master and servant.

Su Waiwai nodded immediately: "That's right, they followed us, typically wanting to see us die. Now we follow behind them, if they have something to do, we can turn back in time!"

Su's mother and son had plans, so they stopped and stopped moving forward.

Ji Chunqiu and Xiaomi looked at each other, shook their heads and laughed, then walked in front of Suwaiwai's mother and son, walking on another road.

There was Ji Chunqiu leading the way, and after that, there was almost no room for the Prophet Shenzhu to play, so Suwaiwai's mother and son must have followed them.

After following for about an hour, Su Waiwai finally discovered the problem.

"Have you been to Huancheng?" Su Waiwai walked to Ji Chunqiu's side and asked curiously.

Ji Chunqiu looked back at her and nodded slightly: "How many times have you been here?"

Suwaiwai's mother and son looked at each other when they heard the words, and Su Xiaoer took the lead this time and asked, "Isn't the fantasy city only opened once in 50 years? How many times has Brother Ji come here, so powerful?"

Ji Chunqiu lightly squeezed Su Xiaoer's face: "Exactly, I've been here a few times."

"What exactly is Brother Ji doing here?" Su Xiaoer asked like a curious baby.

"I have something to do." Ji Chunqiu stretched out his hand towards Su Xiaoer.

The little guy immediately looked at Su Wai Wai, and Su Wai Wai winked at him.

Su Xiaoer immediately jumped into Ji Chunqiu's arms, kissed him on each face, showing a cute and innocent smile: "What's the matter? Brother Ji, can you tell me?!"

Ji Chunqiu didn't hesitate for a while, and blurted out: "Yes..."

"Master..." Xiaomi interjected to remind him.

Only then did Ji Chunqiu stop talking, and softly replied: "Maybe Xiao Er will know soon."

"Can't you know now?" Su Xiaoer looked at Xiaomi resentfully.What do you sound a reminder for?If not, Ji Chunqiu has already given the answer just now.

"The time has not come yet." As soon as Ji Chunqiu finished speaking, Su Xiaoer broke free from his embrace, jumped back into Su Waiwai's embrace, found a comfortable place to lie down, and stopped looking directly at Ji Chunqiu's master and servant. .

The little guy's face-changing speed was so fast that Ji Chunqiu's master and servant couldn't react for a while.

After walking for another quarter of an hour, I finally passed the front gate.

At that moment, Suwaiwai's mother and son changed their faces, planning to part ways with Ji Chunqiu.

"Wai Wai, won't you come with us?" Ji Chunqiu looked at Su Wai Wai's back without turning his head, and asked in a dazed way.

Su Waiwai looked back and smiled, shook his head and said: "Differences do not conspire with each other. You are the wolf king and I am a monk. No matter why you came here, I only know that what I want is to repair the compass. Goodbye, Ji Chunqiu! "

As she spoke, she hugged Su Xiaoer and went in another direction.

However, Ji Chunqiu followed two more steps, and opened his lips calmly: "But as far as I know, the repair compass is not in your direction, but in the path I want to take."

Su Wai Wai paused, looked back at Ji Chunqiu, and shook his head: "I don't believe it. I have a map, you lied!"

"Illusory City, Illusory City, is the Magic City. Your terrain was drawn by people 50 years ago, but the terrain of the Illusion City will change every 50 years. The Illusion City in your hands is no longer the Illusion City of today." Ji Chunqiu said , Portable and Xiaomi continued on their way.

(End of this chapter)

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