Chapter 838 The Lord of the Illusory City (1)

That group of people came into the eyes of the Su family, and when they saw the faces of these people clearly, Su Waiwai couldn't laugh or cry.

Coincidentally, it was Xiang'er and the others.

Xiang'er was very happy when she saw Su Waiwai and Xiaosan, and was about to go forward, a male cultivator held her back, and lowered her voice: "Junior Sister, don't forget, this spirit beast is waiting here, if he beats us One step, we can only be trapped here!"

Xiang'er turned her head to look at Nanxiu, and mumbled, "Senior Brother Zhang, Wai Wai is my friend, even if Xiao San wants to reunite with Wai Wai, that's a matter of common sense."

This man is exactly the newly conceived male cultivator of the Cultivation Sect, named Zhang Yuan.

He could not get used to Suwaiwai's mother and son early in the morning, but now hearing Xiang'er's words, he only said that Xiang'er is a woman's benevolence.In Fantasy City, there are no friends, only rivals.

They have no friendship with Su Waiwai, why should they be allowed to stay here by themselves, waiting for another group of people to rescue them?If they can't wait, will they have to be trapped in the fantasy city for a lifetime?

"Xiang'er, you will be behind me later, don't go too fast!" Zhang Yuan opened his lips coldly.

Xiang'er wanted to refute, but Leng Tian winked at her.

Zhang Yuan has the highest qualifications among the four of them, and they should listen to what senior brother Zhang Yuan said.

Xiaosan was nearby and had heard their conversation clearly.He has long seen that this person surnamed Zhang is not a good guy, and wants to separate him from Su Wai Wai?It also depends on whether this person has the ability.

He remained motionless on the spot, just waiting for Zhang Yuan to lead Xiang'er and Leng Tian to follow.

Zhang Yuan looked at Xiao San's back with cold eyes, basically not paying attention to Xiao San's spirit beast.

He had heard about Xiaosan's name before, it was said that he was a spirit beast with a lot of aura and fun, and he even said that he was the king of beasts.

From his point of view, this spirit beast looks extremely ugly, and at first glance there is nothing special about it, so he thinks that this thing is not a problem.

Zhang Yuan looked down on Xiao San from the bottom of his heart, Xiao San naturally saw the clue from his eyes, this was in line with Xiao San's wishes.

It is precisely because people have no vigilance against him that he is able to catch him by surprise and kill him by surprise.

Xiang'er and Leng Tian also saw that Zhang Yuan didn't like Xiaosan. Xiang'er originally wanted to remind Zhang Yuan that Xiaosan was an extraordinary spirit beast, but at this moment, she didn't want to waste any more money.

In any case, she still hopes that Su Waiwai and Xiaosan can be reunited, after all they are a family, and Xiaosan is still Su Waiwai's spirit beast.

With a plan in mind, Xiang'er remained silent, and Leng Tian wisely kept silent.Under the leadership of Zhang Yuan, they continued to move forward.

Xiaosan seemed to be walking behind them very hard, Xiang'er and Leng Tian could see that Xiaosan was acting.Zhang Yuan also saw it, thinking that Xiaosan was a useless spirit beast, and immediately relaxed his vigilance, leading Xiang'er and Leng Tian to move forward.

Xiao San seemed to be half a body behind them, but in fact they followed closely.

He pays close attention to the changes around him, looking at Su Wai Wai from time to time.

Su Wai Wai had already asked the Prophet Shen Zhi in a low voice, wondering if it could give her a warning when the critical point was reached.

The Prophet God Bead didn't answer, so she immediately thought that the Prophet God Bead couldn't know where the so-called critical point was.

Unexpectedly, when Zhang Yuan and the others were getting closer and closer to them, the Prophet Shenzhu suddenly warned in a low voice: "We are here, hurry up!!"

Su Waiwai immediately waved at Xiao San: "Little San..."

(End of this chapter)

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