Chapter 861 Golden Warcraft (1)

Xiaosan thought Su Xiaoer was joking, he opened his eyes, and was about to reprimand Su Xiaoer, but the moment he opened his eyes, he saw a pale female ghost floating in front of him, and was so frightened that his legs went limp, and he almost fell down...

"Little, little master, help, help..." Xiaosan couldn't lift it up in one breath, and even couldn't move his feet. He was holding on to Su's crooked thigh, thinking that he could protect himself by doing so.

"Go away, don't scare my brother little three." Su Xiaoer couldn't see that little three was so frightened that he was pissing like a beast, so he swung his broken sword and slashed at the female ghost.

The moment he swung his broken sword, the image of the female ghost disappeared without a trace.

"Hey, it's an illusion." Su Xiaoer let out a light snort, and Suwaiwai, Xiaosan, and Xiaoqing who had closed their eyes opened their eyes at the same time.It was still a bit overwhelming to see the floating ghosts all around me.

Su Waiwai unconsciously hugged Su Xiaoer's small body tightly: "Son, are you sure these are illusions?"

"Not sure, but that female ghost just now is indeed an illusion. Mother, don't be afraid, with me here, I will help mother kill ghosts! I don't think this thing is scary at all. If you know that we are the gods in the future, how can the gods Afraid of ghosts?!" Su Xiao Erxiong replied angrily.

He wanted to cheer up Su Wai Wai with a loud voice, but it was a pity that the baby's voice was too loud, and the words were a bit vague, which didn't achieve the desired effect.

"Now I know where the compass is hidden." Su Wawai murmured with lingering fear as she watched more and more ghosts around her.

"Mother knows where the repair compass is?" Su Xiaoer's eyes were full of surprise, but she didn't really believe her mother's words.

After all, it's not just a day or two that Su Wai Wai likes to talk big.

"Of course. It's not in the place with the heaviest demonic aura, nor in the place with the heaviest aura. Do you know where it is?" Su Waiwai smiled a little.

She has white teeth and a naive smile, her small face is still swollen after leaving the customs, but her beautiful eyes are shining like fire, with a terrifying magic power that makes people unable to take their eyes off.

Both Xiaosan and Xiaoqing stared at Suwaiwai intently, and shook their heads together: "I don't know!"

Su Waiwai laughed when he heard the words: "Stupid. Because it's in the place with the most yin energy! Shura Shura, isn't that related to ghosts? The compass is placed in the place with the most yin energy!"

As soon as she said this, Xiaosan and Xiaoqing looked at each other, thinking that they should think of a sentence to refute the complacent Su Waiwai, but then they felt that Su Waiwai's words made sense.

Perhaps, as Su Waiwai said, the repair compass should be placed in the place with the most yin energy.

"Dear Zhuzhu, it's time for you to go out now, tell me where the most yin is!" Su Waiwai glanced at everyone triumphantly, seeing that no one spoke, she thought her thoughts were right, and immediately He asked the prophet Shenzhu.

The Prophet Shenzhu didn't embarrass her, he told her in a soft voice that the place with the most yin energy is in the middle of the fantasy city.

Su Waiwai was more certain of her thoughts this time, she led the crowd forward, even though there were many ghost-like things floating in the air around her, she still wanted to move on.

As long as you don't look at it, these ghost images don't seem so scary.

"Master, I can't move forward anymore, can you let me enter the Realm of Lost Dreams?" Xiaosan's legs and feet were trembling, looking at more and more ghosts gathering in front of her, she was a little scared, and couldn't lift her feet anymore.

(End of this chapter)

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