Chapter 871 The Magic City Disappears (3)

"Think about it carefully, isn't it? The little master's spiritual sense is strong, he can wield divine light and demonic energy, combine these three, who has such ability? Besides, Boss Bei is not just a fairy. Simple……"

Xiaosan said as she quietly turned her head to look in the direction of Su's mother and son, but Su Waiwai happened to catch his sneaky movements.

Su Waiwai took a few steps up to Xiaosan, sneered and opened his lips: "Tell me, are you talking ill of me, Su Xiaoer, again behind my back?!"

The little three dogs can't change eating shit.Speak ill of her every chance she gets.

"No, I just feel that the little master is very heroic, so I unconsciously take another look." Xiaosan replied with downcast eyes.

I still don't want to think about these things, Su Wai Wai doesn't seem to have the slightest interest in Su Xiaoer's father, what's the use of them guessing?

Maybe Su's mother and son will never want to know who Su Xiaoer's father is in this lifetime.

"My Xiao Er, Su Xiaoer, is handsome, you just know it now?" Su replied with a crooked smile, unable to hide his complacency.

Xiaoqing and Xiaosan looked at each other, this is blind maternal love.As long as Su Xiaoer is praised, Su Waiwai will definitely accept it all. By the way, she will raise her tail proudly, hoping that the whole world will know that she has raised an amazing son.

Xiaoqing and Xiaosan took the opportunity to say a lot of good things about Su Xiaoer, Su was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear.

Su Xiaoer listened to it and found it extremely funny.

Any fool could see that what Xiaosan and Xiaoqing said didn't come from the sincerity, because his mother loves to hear such flattering lies.

Soon, the Su family arrived at a secret room filled with green lights.

"It seems that the little master is right, this is the secret room where the repairing compass is stored!" Xiaosan looked at the disc-like thing illuminated by the green lamp, her hands were itchy, and she wanted to go and get it.

"Little San, don't move!" Su Waiwai called to stop Xiao San in time.

Xiaosan's footsteps froze, and she didn't dare to move again.

He looked back at Suwaiwai, and asked, "What does Master want to do?"

"It's not what I want to do. This secret room looks clear at a glance, and most people can easily take away a treasure. You said, it's all come to this point, Ji Chunqiu can let the treasure hunters take Shura so easily Disk?" Su Wai Wai asked in a low voice.

Xiaosan was stunned for a moment, but he didn't want to go deeper.

After all, women are still delicate minded, a foodie like him really doesn't think so much.

"Xiaosan Xiaoqing, you come behind me and stand with Su Xiaoer. If there is anything wrong, you have to remember to protect Su Xiaoer and leave!" Su Waiwai said, the two beasts looked at her at the same time and asked : "What is mother (master|master his mother) going to do?"

"It's just a test. You step aside first. Don't worry about me, I have a sense of proportion. After all, I cherish my own life." Su Waiwai knew everyone's concerns, and hurriedly comforted them.

Only then did everyone feel relieved, luckily it wasn't to frighten them by confessing their last words.

With Xiaosan and Xiaoqing and Su Xiaoer behind him, the kitchen knife in Su Waiwai's hand flew out, heading towards the compass repairing direction.

At the same time, Su Waiwai retreated more than three feet before stopping.

I saw swords and swords in the direction of the secret room, the kitchen knife and the sharp arrows shot out from the secret room were fighting together, and the fight was indistinguishable.

Xiaosan was dumbfounded, and realized that Su Wai Wai Meng was right again.

The secret room is indeed dangerous, and the sound of ping-ping-pong-pong can be heard endlessly without stopping, so you know that the secret room is full of traps.

(End of this chapter)

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