Chapter 883 Er Shu Fainted and Unconscious (7)

Su Wai Wai went back to the conference hall again, and saw that everyone was frowning.

Originally, An An and Mo Xin'er were fine, but seeing their mournful faces, Su Waiwai instantly had the illusion that those two unlucky women had passed away.

She paced back and forth indoors for a while, but no one stepped on her.

In desperation, Su Wai Wai coughed lightly, but still no one looked at her.

This made Su Wai Wai feel very humiliated.

"I have a solution!" Su Wai Wai coughed lightly and said loudly.

As soon as she said this, everyone's eyes finally focused on Su Wai Wai's face.

Everyone was stunned for a while, Pu Qiao was the first to come back to his senses, rushed to Su Wai Wai and asked, "Wai Wai, what can you do?"

"Anyway, you just follow the method I said. I think, my method will definitely work!" Su Waiwai said with a smile and glanced at everyone.

When everyone saw her weird smile, they suddenly felt something was wrong.

An hour later, everyone blushed and took out the portrait of a woman they had drawn and handed it to Su Wai Wai.

Su Waiwai first looked at the portrait of a woman painted by Pu Qiao, and after studying for a while she said: "This must be the naked body of the senior sister, Pu Qiao, have you been thinking about how to get the senior sister all day long?" body?"

As soon as she said this, Pu Qiao almost escaped.

This dead woman Su Wai Wai, who was thinking of something all day long, unexpectedly came up with such a perverted method, asking all the men present to draw ten portraits of women without a trace.It is said that they can save An An and Mo Xiner only if they paint seriously.

Everyone didn't believe it at first, but seeing what she said with certainty, they could only hold the mentality of giving it a try.

After all, Su Wai Wai has always had evil ideas, maybe this time he can bring everyone a surprise.

In this way, everyone half-pushed, and drew the so-called female body portrait.After finishing the painting, all of them blushed and didn't dare to look at it themselves, but the woman Suwaiwai watched it with great interest, and she didn't forget to comment, which made all the men present feel ashamed.

In the end, Su Waiwai also wrote a lot of nasty dialogues to the ghost king on the portrait. Every time she said a sentence, everyone couldn't help laughing, and everyone lost the dullness before.

In the end, Su Waiwai found a mage who was proficient in burning ghost paper, and burned the portraits according to the method he said, saying that in this way, the ghosts in the underworld could receive these things.

An hour later, the underworld.

The ghost king was sighing boredly, but he heard someone took many portraits of women and handed them to him, saying: "These are the admiration feelings of human women for the ghost king."

The ghost king glanced at the woman in the portrait, shook his head and said, "You are so ugly, how dare you confess to me?!"

His gaze finally fixed on a line of confession on the portrait, which read: "The little girl's love for the ghost king is like a surging river, endless..."

"You can tell you're not sincere just by looking at it!" The ghost king shook off the portrait and looked at another portrait of a woman without clothes. My heart is blooming, I love you, I love you, I love you to death..."

Seeing this, he finally couldn't help but parted his thin lips and smiled.

Who the hell is doing this?At first glance, he was deliberately showing love to him, and such bold words really made people dare not respect him.

He looked at them one by one, and finally fixed on a woman with only breasts...

(End of this chapter)

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