Chapter 910 Battle Plan
Dinner time.

Ye Qing wandered around outside, feeling that the human world is not much fun, if it wasn't for the Su family being more interesting, he wouldn't stay in this ghostly place.

Seeing that it was almost time for dinner, he went to the dining room.

Seeing a few empty bowls on the dining table, he frowned slightly and asked puzzledly, "Isn't the meal ready yet?"

Su Xiaoer was playing at the side and ignored him.

Xiao San was coming out of the kitchen, Ye Qing hurriedly grabbed Xiao San and asked again.

Xiao San replied softly: "You came back late, we have already had dinner."

"What?!" Excited, Ye Qing asked loudly, mentioning Xiaosan.

"You heard me right. Our dinner was half an hour earlier today. Those who came back late didn't get it, including you, Boss Ye, of course." The little three replied with a smirk.

This is the fate of offending Su's family, and Ting Qing is the most ignorant one among them.

I still want to eat and drink here, in my next life.

The Su family has already prepared a set of battle plans, specifically to deal with Ye Qing, the rogue ghost king.

"Then what should I do?" Ye Qing was annoyed and furious, he didn't expect the Su family to treat him as a distinguished guest like this.

"Cold salad." The succubus who was picking his teeth answered.

After eating and drinking enough, he wanted to find Bei Yueluo to have a drink.No wonder Beiyue Luolai stayed in the world, he also thinks the world is fun, eating delicious food and drinking spicy food, this is the happy life of human beings.

"Have you had dinner?" Ye Qing looked at the Dream Demon disdainfully.

"Probably so. Although I wasn't full, I ate a little. Ye Qing, my condolences, the Su family has never been hospitable people." After the Dream Demon finished speaking, he walked out of the Su's house with brisk steps.

Ye Qing had no choice but to cast a spell to prepare a table of dishes, but they were not tasty and tasteless, he still prefers the dishes made by Xiaosan, with the warmth and love of home...

Ye Qing scorned himself severely, and decided to get up early tomorrow, so he must have breakfast.

As a result, he got up at dawn, and waited until noon before those lazy people in the Su family got up, but he was so hungry that he leaned forward, grabbed Su Xiaoer casually and asked, "Aren't you hungry?"

"Not hungry, we only get up at this hour when we are free." Su Xiaoer replied with a smile.Get enough sleep and eat soon.

Ye Qing looked at Su Xiaoer's back like looking at a monster, after that, Xiaosan also walked out, and finally, Su Waiwai also walked out.

Ye Qing was waiting at the door of the kitchen, he didn't believe that the Su family could dump him like this.

But he waited for a full two hours, but he still didn't see Xiao San enter the kitchen to prepare food.

At that moment, he became angry, grabbed Su Xiaoer casually and asked, "Where did Xiao San die, why didn't you make lunch?"

"Lunch? We've already finished eating." Su Xiaoer replied with a smile.

At this time, Xiao San came back from the outside and gave a loud cock.

"Finish? Where did you eat it?!" Ye Qing was dumbfounded.Can he wait for a long time, and the Su family dumped him again, is he full?
"Of course it's eating outside!" Su Wai Wai came in with a smile on his face, and smiled at Ye Qing.

Ye Qing stared at Su Waiwai, and said angrily: "How dare you play with me?!"

"This is ridiculous. If we didn't ask you to eat, we were playing with you? Then you stay at my house with a stern face, is that you playing with me?!" Su Waiwai sneered, and pushed away the stinky man who was yelling at him.

(End of this chapter)

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