Chapter 913

After being stunned for a while, Ye Qing regained his composure and slowly left the dormitory.

Why was he so uncomfortable when he heard Su Wai Wai call Bei Yue Luo?

The next day.

"Strange, why don't you see Boss Ye dangling in front of mother?" Su Xiaoer looked around, but Ye Qing was nowhere to be seen.

Usually at this time, Ye Qing must appear to be making fun of himself.

"Maybe he found some new fun. That man got moldy in the underworld, so he came to our house to spend some time." Su said with a crooked smile, not taking it seriously.

It would be better for Ye Qing to leave, to return her to peace.

She is now preparing to refine the beauty pill.

The golden orchid grass has already grown, but alchemy still needs other medicinal materials, and some medicinal materials may not be able to grow in a short time, such as the cloud sea leaf, what the hell is that?

"Su Su, do you know what a cloud sea leaf is?" Su Wai Wai searched all the medicine books but couldn't find the so-called cloud sea leaf, so she asked Su Su, who knows everything.

Susu didn't answer for a long time, just when Suwaiwai got impatient, Susu finally had an answer: "This thing is almost a kind of fairy grass. According to historical records, there is this kind of herb on the island in the sea of ​​clouds."

Su Wai Wai was a little discouraged.

She has never heard of where the sea of ​​clouds, is Susu mistaken?She asked again worriedly, but Susu said she was right.

In desperation, Su Wai Wai found other members of the Su family.

They all said they had never heard of Yunhai, and agreed that Susu might be cheating on her.

"Susu said that it was in the sea of ​​clouds in the human world, maybe she changed her name, I'll ask again!" Su Waiwai was not reconciled.There is no reason why the Golden Orchid Grass can't refine the Beauty Pill, so you have to try it anyway.

Just when Ye Qing entered, Su Wai Wai's beautiful eyes lit up, she rushed forward and asked, "Hey, do you know where the sea of ​​clouds is?"

"Of course I know." Ye Qing replied in a low voice, staring at Su Wai Wai's beautiful eyes shining like fire in a daze, only at this moment did he realize that Su Wai Wai is an ordinary woman, but has a pair of beautiful eyes.

"You know? Where is that?" Su Waiwai was surprised and delighted, and tightened Ye Qing's robe.

Ye Qing's gaze was fixed on Su Wai Wai Wai Wai grabbing his small white hand, and sat down leisurely: "Tell me first, what are you going to do there?"

"I want to refine the beauty pill, and I need Yunhai Ye. Of course I'm looking for medicinal materials." Su Waiwai sat down opposite Ye Qing, and replied loudly.

"Beauty Pill? What the hell is that?" Ye Qing frowned puzzled.

It's not about beautifying your face, is it?
"After eating, I will become beautiful. I want to let the world know that I am so beautiful that men all over the world will be fascinated by me."

As soon as Su Wawai said this, everyone laughed out loud.

Among them, Ye Qing's laughter was the most ear-piercing. He said mercilessly, "You're just like this, and you still want to charm men all over the world? You're killing me from laughing."

Su Waiwai slapped Ye Qing on the body: "If you want to talk, just say it, don't interrupt me. Where is the sea of ​​clouds, I have to go to get the medicinal materials. While I still have time, when I become beautiful, I will Come to conceive a baby, then become a fairy, and after that, I can live happily like a fairy..."

She said, showing a beautiful and dreamy smile, imagining the beautiful scenes that may appear in the future.

The Su family looked at each other in blank dismay, Su Waiwai was already old, why was he still so naive?
Even if you become a fairy, the fairy world is not necessarily better, is it?What kind of mind? !

(End of this chapter)

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