Chapter 927 The Weird Five Mountains (3)

"You ask me, who should I ask?" Su Wai Wai asked in a low voice.

She also wanted to know what was wrong with it.In short, Wushan is a very strange place, and it is in this location.

"Mother, is the reason coming from the ground? I always feel that the moment I step on this land, I feel a chill go up from the soles of my feet!" Su Xiaoer pondered for a moment, and expressed his opinion.

Su Wai Wai nodded thoughtfully, thinking that this made sense.In fact, she had the same idea.

"How about this, how about we dig out this piece of land and see what's hidden inside." Su Wai Wai turned her beautiful eyes and said with a smile.

She took a step back and said loudly: "Little San Xiaoqing, come out to work!"

Xiaosan and Xiaoqing looked at each other, they heard Suwaiwai's words, they didn't want to go out and suffer.

But if they don't go out, Su Wai Wai may not know how to torture them.

"Xiaoqing, you go out first, the chill on my body is still not gone." Xiaosan pushed Xiaoqing.

"Your chill is too much for me, I'm colder than you." Xiaoqing pushed back.

At this time, a Suwaiwai shouted from outside the Space of Last Dream: "I order you to come out immediately!"

Xiaoqing and Xiaosan knew that they couldn't hide this time, so they lingeringly left the Realm of Nocturnal Dreams.

"Go, work is important!" Su Wai Wai opened her lips indifferently.

Xiaoqing and Xiaosan looked at each other, and they shook their heads together: "No, it's too cold, it's already too cold to walk up there, why don't master do it yourself, master is not afraid of the cold!"

"Since I am the master, I mean that I don't need to do hard work, you two slaves hurry up!" Su Wai Wai looked at the two spirit beasts coldly.

The two spirit beasts looked at each other, and finally stepped forward unwillingly to do hard work.

They persisted for less than a quarter of an hour and stopped cooking, shivering from the cold.

Seeing their pitiful appearance, Su Waiwai finally spared them.

She ordered the peach blossom sword and the kitchen knife to dig the soil, and Su Xiaoer also found the broken sword and attacked the ground. For a while, the three artifacts were extremely busy.

Even so, working from morning to night has little effect.

Seeing this, Ye Qing smiled and said: "It's getting dark, it's getting dark, why don't I find some people to help you?"

"Are you sure you're looking for someone?" Su Waiwai lay on the ground, looking up at the starry sky and sighing.

"That's right, why don't I find some ghosts to help, with their help, I will definitely get twice the result with half the effort. I don't lack anything in the underworld, especially ghosts." Ye Qingxiao continued: "The most important thing is that they don't feel anything. Afraid of the cold."

Hearing this, Su Wai Wai jumped up, and proudly slapped Ye Qing's shoulder: "Ye Qing, this time it's up to you!"

Seeing that Su Wai Wai was happy, Ye Qing was also very happy.

He patted his palms lightly and let out a long whistle, and many ghosts appeared.

Suwaiwai's family is afraid of ghosts, they hugged each other when they saw this, and hid behind Ye Qing together, watching thousands of ghosts busy in the mountains.

Sure enough, there are many people and strong strength, with the help of all the ghosts, we can get twice the result with half the effort. In just two hours, we dug a huge earth pit in a cold place.

The deeper the digging, the more chilly it became. This time, even Su Waiwai felt the chill hit his face.

As for Su Xiaoer and Xiaosan, because they couldn't bear the cold, they had already returned to the Space of the Last Dream to avoid the cold.

Su Wai Wai has a magic weapon to protect her body, and she can still resist such a cold.

She poked her head to look at the huge pit, and the chill penetrated even more.

Ye Qing was so cold that his face turned pale, his lips were pale, he looked very pitiful.

(End of this chapter)

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