Chapter 957 Beauty, beauty (1)

Su Wai Wai opened his mouth, startling everyone present.

Everyone looked at the beauty in disbelief, unable to connect her with the ugly woman before.

"How about it, are you scared stupid? I told you to underestimate me before!" Su Waiwai grinned triumphantly at the crowd, and everyone's stupidity really pleased her.

Everyone looked at each other, then shook their heads together, not knowing what to say.

It is true that she has become very beautiful, but this temperament is only possessed by this woman, Su Wai Wai.Maybe I didn't believe it before, but this time, after hearing her unmodest words and hearing her voice, this woman has no one but Su Wai Wai.

"Is it really the master?" Xiao San looked at Su Wai Wai in surprise and asked, looking at him carefully.

"Fake it!" Su Wai Wai grinned at everyone.

"Actually, if you take a closer look, you can see that what the master's mother said is true. This face hasn't changed much, but the puffiness has gone away, and the whole face is more dazzling. It seems that the beauty pill is very effective!" Xiaoqing stood aside Express your own opinion.

Su Waiwai had already been swaying around in front of the crowd. They couldn't stand her, but they didn't dare to speak for fear of making her angry.

"Master has become beautiful, shall we celebrate?" Xiaosan came up to Su Wai Wai and smiled obsequiously.

Su Wai Wai smiled and nodded: "Your words are reasonable, of course I have to celebrate, I want to go outside twice to let the world know how beautiful I am!"

"Mother, isn't this too ostentatious? Didn't mother always say to keep a low profile before?!" Su Xiaoer couldn't stand it this time either. He believed that his mother was playing for real this time.

Anyway, he felt quite ashamed, so it was better not to go.

"It was natural for me to keep a low profile before, but it was because I had no talent, and I was not good-looking, so I had no capital. Now that I am good-looking, of course I want everyone to see my face." Su Wai Wai disapproved.

She wants to avenge her shame, and make those who think she is not good-looking all stunned, especially those stinky men with the worst eyesight and the most poisonous mouth.

"Mother seems to have made up her mind." Su Xiaoer stepped aside and stopped talking.

There is no way, his mother has been oppressed for too long before, and now she is determined to let everyone see her beauty. In fact, this is also good, he can also get some light.

"I'll go with mother." Su Xiaoer quickly changed his tone and figured out a reason.His mother is good-looking, and he also has a bright face, so why hide it?

"Master, I'm going too!" Xiaosan replied hastily.

"Okay, then I'll go too." Xiaoqing also answered, unwilling to be left behind.

Xiao Ba also ran out to join in the fun at this time, all wanting to get some of Su Wai Wai's glory.

After all, in the past they were always told that their master was not good-looking, but now that they are good-looking, if they didn't take the opportunity to go out and show their faces, how sorry would they be?

Maybe they will change shape in the future, and they will look better than Su Wai Wai.

"Master, can you make a beauty pill for me? Although I am beautiful enough now, I still want to become more beautiful." Xiaosan followed Su Waiwai with a smile, and looked at his mistress earnestly. .

"I don't have time to practice. Forget it, your face is really not that beautiful. Even if it is beautiful, it will be useless after you transform in the future. I don't think you have the talent to transform!" Su Waiwai opened his lips indifferently, and took the lead Step out of the room.

"Don't be like this, master, try it!" Xiaosan was not reconciled, and chased forward and said.

(End of this chapter)

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