Chapter 970

Bei Yueluo was reprimanded by Su Waiwai, and then pulled to sit down by her.

Bei Yueluo ate the meal gracefully, while Su's mother and son devoured it, the scene of the three of them eating was very strange.

Ye Qing looked at it for a while, then suddenly put down the bowl and chopsticks, rushed behind Su Wai Wai, and slapped her hard on the head with his palm.

Su Waiwai was beaten for no reason, turned her head to Ye Qing and said, "Are you sick?! Beating someone for no reason, is it itchy?!"

"You don't like it!" Ye Qing slapped Su Waiwai's head again, and walked out of Su's house without looking back.

Xia Hou went behind Su Wai Wai, but before he did anything, Su Wai Wai turned around and glared at him, "If you dare to hit this girl, you'll get fucked!"

Xia Hou glanced at his itchy hands, and still gritted his teeth and hit him on the top of the head: "I don't just want to hit you, I don't want to get lost, what can you do to me?!"

It's a joke, if she wants him to get out, he will get out, so how embarrassing is he? !
"You must be sick." Su Waiwai looked at Xia Houfeng-sao's back, and almost went over to give him a few punches.

Baili Liancheng also came behind her at this time, and Suwaiwai grinned at him: "Liancheng, you must not be as childish as them..."

Before she finished speaking, Baili Liancheng also gave her a slap, and then walked out of her sight without looking back.

Su Waiwai was so angry that smoke came out of her throat, she couldn't figure out what was going on, why they attacked her one by one.

"Waiwai, let's eat." Bei Yueluo said softly, taking some vegetables into Suwaiwai's bowl.

Only then did Su Waiwai come back to her senses, and squinted at Bei Yueluo with a smile: "Master is still the cutest, the most caring, the most pleasing..."

Also, the most gentleman, unlike other people who suddenly beat her out of nowhere and left her with a back that she thought was chic, she couldn't bear the pretense of these men.

"Eat more..." Bei Yueluo magnified his smile when he heard Su Waiwai praising him.

He was very upset to see so many men appearing.Unexpectedly, this is a great opportunity for him and Su Wai Wai to enhance their relationship.

He didn't expect that when these men came, the woman Su Waiwai would be willing to get close to him.

Su Wai Wai nodded vigorously, gorged herself, and did not forget to help Su Xiaoer hold the vegetables.

Xiaosan, Xiaoqing, Xiaoba and the Dream Demon stood aside to watch the fun, as for the other men, they all hid outside the door and peeked, feeling uncomfortable.

Originally thought they were acting, but now it seems that they are showing their true feelings.

Su Fu looked at it for a while and came to a conclusion: "I think there's nothing to do with us now. Su Wai Wai thinks that if she becomes more beautiful, she will be worthy of Bei Yue Luo, naive!"

"That's right, Su Fu, you'd better disappear quickly, seeing you makes you feel bad. Maybe it's because you're here that Wai Wai doesn't want to give me a chance." Xia Hou followed Su Fu's words.

Su Fu gave him a cold look, shook his head and replied, "Why should I leave? If I leave, you will be so lonely. No, I must accompany you to advance and retreat together."

Baili Liancheng looked at it for a long time, and said calmly: "Are we going to make a move? If we don't make a move, Wai Wai will soon walk with Bei Yue Luo."

Judging from their appearance, their relationship has improved rapidly, this is the opportunity Bei Yueluo took as Su Waiwai.He was able to get close to Su Waiwai unknowingly, maybe Bei Yueluo suddenly became Su Waiwai's master that day, because he had already planned for this.

If so, Bei Yueluo's scheming is very deep.

(End of this chapter)

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