Chapter 976 Playing with Fire: Sowing Divorce (4)

Baili Liancheng and Xia Hou chased in at the same time, only to see the woman sitting at the dining table and eating.

Dare to run so fast, is it to come back for dinner?

"What important matter did Master say to Mother just now?" Su Xiaoer asked the question that everyone present wanted to know.

Su Waiwai looked at Su Xiaoer with a smile, lightly squeezed her family's Su Xiaoer's face, and answered the wrong question: "It's better for my little one to leave food for me."

"Of course!" Su Xiaoer narrowed her eyes and smiled, and accepted Su Wai Wai's praise bluntly.

Su Xiaoer forgot his original question, and other people present were worried.

Xia Hou squeezed Ye Qing away, sat down beside Su Waiwai and asked, "What business did Bei Yueluo ask you to talk to just now?"

Su Wai Wai turned her beautiful eyes, shook her head and replied: "It's a secret between me and Master, it's nothing to do with you."

She wouldn't be so stupid as to tell her plan.Now she only knows that she can't be too kind to these men and let them have expectations of her.

"In my opinion, it's definitely not a good thing, you dare not say it!" Xia Hou used aggressive methods.

Knowing that Su Wai Wai got a big smile on his face, he nodded in response: "Yes, I just dare not say it, you dead monkey, you are the roundworm in my stomach, you even know everything I think."

Xia Hou looked at Baili Liancheng helplessly, asking him to play.

Baili Liancheng didn't move, Xia Hou felt bored and deliberately teased Su Wai Wai, trying to trick her into talking.

But this woman wasn't stupid when she should be stupid, and she was very tight-lipped, and he still couldn't get out half a sentence.

Xia Hou simply bribed Su Xiaoer, wanting the little guy to find out the news and then tell him, who knows that the little guy said he couldn't betray his mother, and he would not be happy to say anything.

An hour later.

"Waiwai, I'll sleep with you tonight..." Xia Hou had a thick skin, and followed Su Waiwai into the dormitory with a shameless face.

Su Waiwai glanced back at him, didn't bother to talk nonsense, and directly found her two artifacts.

Ye Qing observed for a long time, and found that Xia Hou's face was really thick, so he decided to join in the fun: "Su Wai Wai, why don't I sacrifice myself reluctantly, how about staying with you for a night?"

Before Su Waiwai could reply, another man appeared on the stage, but it was Su Fu.

"Way, my sacrifice is the biggest, why don't you follow me..."

Looking at the three men lined up in front of him, Su Wai Wai was a little tangled.

Two artifacts are not enough, it seems that I still have to find a helper.

Fortunately, Baili Liancheng is not as naive as these people, otherwise she would be even more tired.

"Xiao San Xiaoqing, come out and drive these people away!" Su Wai Wai shouted loudly.

As soon as she finished speaking, two huge spirit beasts appeared, stood in front of Su Wai Wai and said: "Everyone, please do me a favor, now is the rest time, you are quiet, so we can rest, can I trouble you to move the statues?" foot……"

"Little San, you're so wordy!" Xia Hou interrupted Xiao San's tirade with disdain.

Xiao San knew it was useless to talk too much, so he rushed to Xia Hou who was mocking him and said, "So, don't blame Xiao San for being vicious!"

With Xiaoqing making moves at the same time, and adding two artifacts, it is not a big problem to deal with three big men at once.

Su Waiwai directly gave up his seat and returned to the Space of Last Dream to rest.

In order to protect her mother's innocence, Su Xiaoer decided to watch the situation from the sidelines before deciding whether to take action.

The whole night, except for Su Waiwai, everyone else was busy and didn't leave until early in the morning.

(End of this chapter)

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