Chapter 987 Kidnapping Su Xiaoer (5)

"Little master, I'm so sleepy!" Xiaosan couldn't open her eyes, and the person in her eyes wanted to focus on Su Xiaoer, but found that she couldn't do it.

He yawned big, his eyelids seemed to be glued together.

Su Xiaoer was also very sleepy, he yawned frequently, lay on Xiao San's body, nestled in a comfortable position and replied: "I'm sleepy too, Xiao San, let me use your body."

He was so sleepy that he just wanted to sleep as soon as possible to get rid of his sleepiness.

Xiaosan hugged Su Xiaoer's body, and the two were unable to say a few more words.Not long after, the two hugged each other and fell asleep drowsily.

Ye Qing, who was conflicted in his heart, finally realized something was wrong. He saw a baby and a spirit beast hugging each other. The baby's sleeping appearance was unbelievably beautiful, but the spirit beast's sleeping position was very indecent. The two formed a stark contrast contrast.

"Master, what should we do now?" Qing'er's voice awakened Ye Qing's thoughts.

Ye Qing frowned for a while, and finally made up his mind: "Go and tell Su Wai Wai, I will take Su Xiaoer away, I want my son, follow me to hell!"

He has come to this point, and there is no way to turn back. Anyway, at the beginning, his purpose was to let Su Waiwai be his servant boy. Now that the opportunity came, why did he hesitate.

"Could the master go and inform Miss Su? Is this servant taking the baby to the underworld?" Qing'er coveted Su Xiaoer's beauty, and wanted to hug and kiss her very much.

"Go if you want, are you the ghost king or this king?!" Ye Qing looked at Qing'er displeased.

Qing'er didn't dare to have any further objections, and murmured: "Damn, of course the master is the king of ghosts, and the servants will go now."

After Qing'er finished speaking, she recklessly moved up to Su Xiaoer, kissed his pink and tender face, and then left contentedly.

Ye Qing looked at the two lying together, he stepped forward and wanted to lift Xiao San, but Xiao San hugged Su Xiao Er tightly, unable to separate at all.

He became angry for a moment and yelled at Xiaosan: "Damn thing, get out!"

Xiao San is fast asleep, it is impossible to hear Ye Qing's loud voice.

He happily hugged Su Xiaoer tightly, sleeping soundly.

Ye Qing tried a few times, but still couldn't separate the two, in the end he had no choice but to tie one and give one away, and bring them all into the underworld.

Xiahou and Baili Liancheng, who were watching from the other side, laughed so hard that they almost hurt internally. They had never seen such a kidnapping case, it really was a strange thing, and Ye Qing, the king of ghosts, was also an outlier among the strange things.

"He is going to take Su Xiaoer away, should we rob him halfway?" Seeing that Ye Qing was going to take Su Xiaoer and Xiaosan away, Xia Hou asked in a low voice.

Baili Liancheng thought for a while, then shook his head and replied, "There's no rush. As long as we can't get together with Beiyue again, we will have a chance. Our purpose is not to kidnap Su Xiaoer, but to create opportunities for ourselves. Perhaps, we can be heroes to save the beauty."

"Old fox, how bad are you!" Xia Hou winked at Baili Liancheng, thinking that Baili Liancheng was too cunning.

This time he can plot against Ye Qing, will he plot against him next time?Thinking of this, Xia Hou felt that it was not safe for him to be with Baili Liancheng, and he would have to be more careful in the future to prevent Baili Liancheng from plotting against him.

Seeing Ye Qing leave, Xiahou and Baili Liancheng carefully observed Ye Qing's way of casting the spell, secretly planning in their hearts, the next step is to wait for Suwaiwai to throw himself into the trap, so they can come to a hero to save the beauty and bring Beiyue Luo back to life. That fake fairy is better than that.

(End of this chapter)

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