Chapter 993: Raising Havoc in Hell (5)

Su Wai Wai looked back in surprise, only to see a small man carved in jade standing behind him.Beside him, there was also a very ugly spirit beast, posing in an exaggerated pose presumptuously.

"Is the master surprised to see me?!" Xiao San asked Su Wai Wai with a smile.

Su Waiwai gave him a cold look, and opened his lips indifferently: "An accident happened when Su Xiaoer was with you, and you are not allowed to get too close to Su Xiaoer in the future!"

She stepped forward to hug Su Xiaoer, this is her lifeblood, no one can take it away!
Su Xiaoer took advantage of the situation and kissed Su Waiwai's face a few times, "I miss my mother so much!"

"Little master, if I remember correctly, you came to Huangquan, right? Even if you want to please the master, you have to have some facts to speak..." As soon as Xiaosan said this, he was beaten and kicked by Lai Su's mother and son.

Xiaosan retreated hastily, but shook her head helplessly: "In Su's house, spirit beasts really have no place."

After venting, Su Waiwai's mood improved a lot, and she planned to take Su Xiaoer out of Huangquan.

This is not the result Ye Qing wanted.He hurriedly stepped forward to block the way of Su's mother and son, and said with a smile on his face: "Su Wai Wai, it's rare for you to come here, so wait a few more days before leaving."

Let people know that Su Wai Wai came here and didn't want to leave, and thought his Huangquan was very bad, which made him very embarrassed.

"No, I don't like this place. If I stay for too long, my life will be shortened, so let's forget about it." Su shook her head, with no desire to stay any longer.

Ye Qing won't intercept this time, it's fine if he doesn't stay, he still has important things to do.

His jade seat, this is one of his favorite things in Huangquan, why did this dead woman Su Waiwai set it on fire?Just thinking about it makes his heart bleed.

Su Waiwai hugged Su Xiaoer and left Yan Luodian. Everywhere she went was a bit gloomy, so she didn't like the ghostly place of Hell, which was unpopular.It is impossible for a person to live for too long after arriving here. One day he will turn into a ghost, so it is better to leave as soon as possible.

Just after Su's mother and son left the Yan Luo Palace, Baili Liancheng and Xiahou appeared at the same time. They cast spells and wanted to take Suwaiwai's mother and son away, but this time they tried several times to no avail.

"Could it be Ye Qing's son playing tricks?" Seeing this, Su Wai Wai asked.

She said she wanted to leave, but Ye Qing didn't stop her, is she sure that she can't leave Huangquan? !
Baili Liancheng and Xia Hou looked at each other and felt that this possibility was very high.Perhaps Ye Qing knew from the beginning that they were peeking around, so he let them hear the way to enter the underworld.

It is easy to enter the underworld, but difficult to get out, this is the place under Ye Qing's jurisdiction after all.Within the six realms, only the ghost domain is hidden in the underworld, if you can't get out, you will be in trouble.

Could it be that while they are using Ye Qing, Ye Qing is also using them to bring Su Wai Wai into the underworld?

Thinking of this, Baili Liancheng's and Ye Qing's faces were ugly.

They looked at each other and rushed into the Hall of Yama at the same time.

Ye Qing was hugging his burnt jade throne and howling, he never looked back at them.

"Ye Qing, let us leave the ghost domain!" Xia Hou was impatient, and rushed to Ye Qing and shouted loudly.

Ye Qing glanced at Xia Hou sadly, shook his head and replied, "I'm in a bad mood, let's talk about it."

Su Waiwai set fire to his Yan Luo Hall and wanted to run away, but there was no way.

He is in a bad mood, and everyone can't even think about living a good life.Want to leave, right? Without his consent, who can leave Huangquan calmly? !
(End of this chapter)

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