Chapter 803 When Depression Meets Violence 12
Fang Miao lived for 24 years and finished her graduate studies at the age of 21. She is a down-to-earth smart person. She studied in both Chinese and foreign countries and read countless people. It was the first time she met someone as shameless as Cheng Jinyun, and she didn't have enough vocabulary in her mind.

What are the national curses, who will give her a popular science?

Otherwise, foreign languages ​​are fine too!
After searching for a long time, Fang Miao could only choke out one sentence: "FUCK!"

Cheng Jinyun blushed.

Well, this word is not suitable for a woman to scold a man.

Fang Miao's hands trembled in anger, as if she wanted to hit someone.

Suddenly, there was a piercing sound in the air, and Cheng Jinyun turned his head to look as if he felt something, and was hit in the face by an oncoming object from top to bottom.

The impact caused by the acceleration of the free-fall motion was so brutal that Cheng Jinyun flew off the sofa and hit his head heavily on the floor.

Boom, what a loud sound.

Fang Miao was stunned, her first reaction was to applaud.


The second reaction is which hero did this?
Fang Miao looked up to the second floor, there were two people standing beside the railing, one was her delicate baby sister, and the other was a female nurse, the baby girl was leaning on the nurse "weakly", looking like she would collapse in the wind delicate and charming.

It's clear who did it.

Sure enough, it was correct to choose the strongest one.

So, Fang Miao gave the female nurse an approving look of "You are my heart", and couldn't hide the smile on her face.

The female nurse touched her head in embarrassment, then shook her head, pointed at Yun Niannian, and made a gesture of throwing.

Fang Miao: ...

Cheng Jinyun was lying on the floor, feeling a bit cold even in the hot summer. He shook his dizzy head, and opened his eyes to see the whole corridor on the second floor.

A thin and frail girl stood beside the railing. She was as elegant as a bright moon in a long white skirt, and a pair of dark, rich eyes set on her palm-sized face.

The girl didn't look very healthy, but two contradictory atmospheres of depression and sharpness lingered around her, which made people want to care for her even more.

For a moment, Cheng Jinyun came up with the idea that even if he gave everything, he would get her a comfortable and bright smile.

Cheng Jinyun was taken aback by his own thoughts, he instinctively raised his hand and pressed his temple, feeling that he was hit too hard just now, and his mind was a little unconscious.

Two streams of heat gushed out of his nose and quickly flowed down his cheeks. Cheng Jinyun quickly covered his nose with his hands, only to realize that his nose also hurt badly.

The nose and head were connected together, and there was some saline in his eyes instantly.

Rao Cheng Jinyun, an "old fritter" who has been in the mall for many years, can't react calmly to the encounter in front of him.

The only remedy is probably to get up from the ground as soon as possible.

So, Fang Miao, who turned around when she heard the noise, saw Young Master Cheng holding his nose unsteadily, with blood on his face.

Fang Miao: ...Why does this scene seem familiar?

Cheng Jinyun was a little embarrassed and ashamed, glanced at the murderer and said, "Second Miss Fang, is her leg okay..."

Fang Miao:! ! ! ! !
I actually forgot this! !
Fang Miao kicked and ran towards the second floor, "Ke Ke, how could you get out of bed!!"

Cheng Jinyun, who successfully diverted the attention, heaved a sigh of relief, and quickly wiped his face with the napkin on the table.

However, the nosebleeds kept flowing, and the high-quality character design prevented him from stuffing the paper into his nostrils, so he had to press his nose to find the bathroom.

Yun Niannian, who was attracted by the misfortune, stared at his back closely, with a heart-stopping coldness flashing in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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