Chapter 808 When Depression Meets Violence 17
As the time spent in Fang Ke's body increased, Yun Niannian became more and more able to control her emotions. Now she is no longer a qualified depression patient. The Fang family brothers and sisters did not find out that their sister was replaced Xinzi was definitely blinded by love.

Today, the words of Cheng Mu, who is the perpetrator, can be regarded as a kind of irony by the other party. You can listen to it differently. You can either hide yourself with low self-esteem, or go crazy after being stimulated.

After three years, all the hurts and grievances have turned into inextricable hostility and resentment under the aging of time. Fang is not a piece of wood without emotion, on the contrary, she is more sensitive and fragile than ordinary people.

Delayed kindness hurts more than malice.

Fang Yue's attitude was sharper than he imagined. He had witnessed what kind of life his sister was living these years, so how could he allow Cheng's mother to talk nonsense in a whimsical way.

He picked up his sister without saying a word, sent her to the bedroom on the second floor, kissed her lightly on the forehead, and said a few words of comfort. After finding out that her sister was not in a bad mood, he returned to the living room, and threw all the Cheng family in the living room without regard for etiquette. outside the door.

Especially when Cheng Jinyun said that Mr. Keke was going to get married in a few days, he even punched him in front of Cheng's father and mother.

Saying goodbye to the gunpowder downstairs, Yun Niannian lay on the bed with her eyes closed, and gradually became confused. She vaguely thought that it was probably a bug in this world. Cheng Jinyun's injured nose yesterday was healed in a few days. destroy.


The eyelids were inseparable as if filled with cement. Yun Niannian's consciousness gradually came back, and she wanted to raise her hand to rub her painful head, but found that her hand was too heavy to lift. This reminded her of many bad things in the last world. remember.

She gritted her teeth and began to roll her body, regaining control of her body before speaking.

But the picture of tumbling in his imagination did not appear, and Yun Niannian was like a puppet that had been unwound, unable to move.

Someone seemed to notice her anxiety, quickly held her hand, and shouted excitedly: "Coco, Coco!"

It's Fang Miao.

Yun Niannian didn't know exactly what happened, but she must be in a bad situation, otherwise Fang Miao's tone couldn't contain the fear and joy of regaining what was lost.

What happened?
The doctor quickly answered for her.

"The wound on the patient's wrist was cut deeply, and the massive blood loss caused her to go into shock for nearly 10 minutes. It is not unexpected that this situation will appear now, but the patient's body is very weak, and she may appear in a trance for a period of time. You don’t need to worry too much about the occasional coma, you have to make up for losing so much blood.”

Yun Niannian couldn't hear what Fang Miao said afterwards, she was in a trance and fell into a coma just like the doctor said.

It's just that my mind is full of questions, when did she lose too much blood?
Yun Niannian didn't know how long she had slept. She had been dreaming for a long time. There was nothing in the dream, only endless darkness. The temperature below zero took away the only remaining temperature on her body. She was wearing a short-sleeved hospital gown, trembling like a dying stray cat.

After a long time, she didn't die, but felt as if she was dying.

Suddenly, a big hand with milky white light stretched out from the end of the darkness, it patted her head lightly, the warmth of the palm saved her.

"Don't be afraid..."

That voice is like a whisper of sympathy for the world, soaking in a life that is about to dry up with a strong friendship.

But when Yun Niannian heard it, she found it ironic inexplicably.

She has nothing to be afraid of!

(End of this chapter)

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