Xiuxian Supreme in the city

Chapter 41 The Secret Archives

Chapter 41 The Secret Archives
In the guard room of the University City School.

"Student, why did you suddenly go to snatch the relics of the deceased?"

The three policemen brought small stools, gathered around the security guard's table, and questioned the suspicious person in the crude environment of the scene.

This is against the rules.

It stands to reason that suspects should be taken back to the police station and locked up in the interrogation room for interrogation.

But this new classmate is too special, not to mention locked in a small black room, even the police station, he didn't dare to take him back easily.

Now this person is a star student highly praised by the city. If this process is exposed by the media, the impact will be too serious. If not, even their director will be implicated.

Ye Liushang occupied the only sofa in the guard room, and Gong Yunxi stood beside him. Facing the questioning of the police, the senior was very nervous, but Ye Liushang was calm and calm.

"If you doubt me, you can call out the surveillance video of the key road section of the school, which can prove that I just entered the school for the first time today, and I have no contact with that girl." Ye Liushang smiled lightly, "As for why I took That doll, just think I'm curious."

I rely on!What kind of attitude is this?

The three policemen were annoyed.

Gong Yunxi secretly heaved a sigh of relief. Although this guy seemed a little arrogant, his answer was quite wise.

Without any evidence of contact with the deceased, is there any use in doubting it?

Sure enough, after the three of them calmed down and thought about it carefully, it did make sense.

They will do this matter. If they can't find any clues, then they can only be regarded as just curious, but the atmosphere of this investigation is really frustrating...

"Hey! How do I feel, you weren't afraid of those three policemen at all just now?" On the way to leave, Gong Yunxi was puzzled.

"I didn't do it, why are you afraid?" Ye Liushang was curious instead.

Gong Yunxi waved her powder fist, this guy is really enough, does she mean that?

Ordinary college students would be terrified when this kind of thing happened, and they would tie their tongues when they spoke, for fear of being misunderstood by the police. I don't look like a young man either.

"Where is the principal? Take me to him." Ye Liushang suddenly said.

"Pfft!" The senior squirted the mango juice she just drank all over the floor, but luckily there was no one in front.

"Damn! You're enough!" Gong Yunxi choked, grinding her teeth angrily.

Does this guy want to be so dragged?I have to meet the principal on the first day of enrollment. Does he sweep the streets as the principal of the No.1 school in the country?

More than half a month after joining the job, Gong Yunxi herself hasn't met that big man who can't see the end of the dragon.

How can the dignified president of Yihai University only have such an identity?In private, even the mayor has to give a little face!
"Vice-principal is also fine." Ye Liushang said.The school does have an archive room, but can an ordinary archive room contain those "top secret" materials?

Obviously, not likely.

We must find an idea from the real power faction of the school.

Gong Yunxi lost her temper, and hummed: "What on earth do you want to do? The me standing in front of you is a genuine university teacher. If you have any problems, I will help you solve them!"

"I want to check the records of accidental deaths that occurred in the school over the years." Ye Liushang said truthfully.

"Cut! Are you Conan Jun 2? You have been interested in these things since you just entered school." Gong Yunxi was speechless.

Ye Liushang was about to turn around and leave alone, but Gong Yunxi hurriedly stopped him.

"Let's go, let's find a place to talk. Maybe I can tell you something you are interested in." Teacher Gong looked around, and pulled Ye Liushang to a nearby small coffee shop.

After a while, in the most inconspicuous corner of the coffee shop, two cups of mocha were served, steaming.

Ye Liushang listened to her quietly.

"I don't know the past few years, but in the three years before I went abroad to study, some horrific incidents did happen in this school."

"Shenma girl jumps off a building, hangs herself, cuts her throat madly, and drinks blood. These are all weak. When I was studying, the scariest thing in school was the '2n-1 black sequence time'."

A woman's gossip mentality is always invincible, even for a woman like Gong Nu who has become a university teacher, she can't escape it. Ye Liushang didn't need to ask more questions, and she vividly talked about a horrifying past that was buried in the dust.

2n-1 is a simple arithmetic progression.

If starting with 1, it can be represented as 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17... this series of numbers.

The old and terrifying past that Gong Yunxi wants to tell about coincides with such a set of sequence laws.

"I remember that the tragedy started at the end of that year, that is, at six o'clock on the 28th of the last month. During the next 78 hours, at regular intervals, people would die strangely. Most of them died after autopsy , The cause can’t be found at all, it can only be vaguely explained as sudden death, a total of ten people, seven students and three teachers, died within these three days and six hours respectively.”

"Later, some careful people discovered that the time intervals of these people's deaths were simple and clear. The first to the second was 17 hours, and the second to the third was 15 hours...decreasing with a difference of two hours. It happened to be in line with the 2n-1 sequence of retrogrades, so the short period of three days and six hours was called the '2n-1 black sequence time'."

After saying this, Gong Yunxi pretended to be scary and shouted suddenly: "How about it, is it scary?"

This is a real incident that happened at Yihai University. The outside world did not report it. Obviously, it was suppressed because the impact of this incident was too great.

What made Teacher Gong helpless was that Student Ye didn't change his face after hearing this, but just blinked slightly symbolically.

In fact, when Ye Liushang heard half of it, he already had some guesses.

He asked Mr. Gong to write down the specific time at that time.

"I remember that it was so cold in those few days that people felt uncomfortable. No matter how many clothes I wore, I felt cold. The whole day was covered with dark clouds, but it was not the kind of dull black, but a little bit of translucence in the blackness. At night, the dark night is like a sieve, with a faint light penetrating the night sky..." Gong Yunxi shuddered as she recalled the situation at that time while writing, feeling terrified from the bottom of her heart.

Generally, the so-called high-level people will definitely have to pinch their fingers for a long time.

Ye Liushang saw the clue at a glance.

"Some people say that those few days happened to be cloudy and cloudy... Is that true?" Gong Yunxi couldn't help being curious, this guy felt that he had some skills in that area.

Ye Liushang remained silent, turned and left the coffee shop.Teacher Gong had no choice but to drink the two cups of coffee by himself.

On the way home, Ye Liushang was full of worries.

That is naturally not a cloudy year, but a rare number of days.

Those three days and six hours coincided with the shortage of the Jiazi Yuan Era.

After Ye Liushang woke up from Qianchen's memories, he once spied on the secrets of this world.In this world, there are 60 years in a Jiazi period, which happens to be a round of the Yuan Dynasty, and the number of days rotates accordingly.

He had told Luo Qingning before that everything is full and short, but he hadn't mentioned it at the time, and the same was true for the number of days.

When life is short, people who are short of life are prone to trouble.

When the sky is short, most people with serious life shortfall will suffer!
But the sudden sudden death of ten people in the style of a school aunt is obviously tricky.

From Ye Liushang's point of view, there must have been someone who pinpointed the peak node of Tian Que at that time and forcibly claimed his life.

"Why is it this university..." Ye Liushang was walking on the tree-lined path, and several students came towards him and waved to him.

Many people in the school know him now.

Ye Liushang glanced at the backs of these students, and suddenly realized.


Students who can be admitted to No.1 schools in the country often have high IQs.To understand it in the Taoist theory, it means that the root of wisdom is outstanding.

"Someone is here to collect the souls of wise people!" Ye Liushang's eyes narrowed slightly, "What kind of objects does he want to enlighten?"

(End of this chapter)

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