Chapter 203 Leng Mingyu's Love and Hate (6)

Ye Xingtong's heart trembled violently. Such an obvious hint made her panic for some reason, "Leng Mingyu, what do you mean?"

"I mean……"

Leng Mingyu narrowed his black eyes faintly, took a step forward, almost got close to Ye Xingtong's body, lowered his head, "What belongs to me, must come back to me!"

His heart can no longer be controlled.

Facing Ye Xingtong, he really couldn't bear her getting close to Yan Sijue, even if it was not planned, he had to take a risk.

Ye Xingtong's back tightened slightly, he raised his eyes, but stared straight at him, and suddenly sneered, "Oh, maybe you have the ability to take back what belongs to you, but you are no longer qualified to own her .”

"No, everything can be done again!"

Leng Mingyu narrowed his eyes dangerously, and quickly reached out to press Ye Xingtong's shoulders with almost astonishing strength!
He was aggressive and out of control.

"Leng hurt me, let go!"

Ye Xingtong panicked and resisted subconsciously, but at this moment, she suddenly saw Su Mochen standing outside the door at some point.

The moment she met her cold gaze, she was stunned for a moment, and the next second, her hands no longer pushed Leng Mingyu, but passed through his armpit, and hugged him tightly.

"Well, I want to see how you can take me back!"

With her delicate face pressed against his chest, she smiled charmingly and stood on tiptoe, as if she was about to send a kiss.

"Bitch. People."

But at this moment, Su Mochen, who was burning with anger, suddenly rushed in, grabbed Ye Xingtong's arm violently, and threw her out of Leng Mingyu's arms.

But at that second, she didn't notice Ye Xingtong's palm raised suddenly, and she was slapped hard.

"Su Mochen, keep your mouth clean. I'm not as cheap as you and like to seduce men. It's just that some men come to love me, and I'm just socializing!"

Ye Xingtong's beautiful fox eyes were gloomy and cold, she took a few steps back, lazily raised her hand to stroke the hair next to her ear, her eyes turned to Leng Mingyu, she chuckled, "However, I forgot to tell you, in our In my eyes, no man can compare to Yan Sijue, so don't waste your efforts."

As she said that, she picked up the bag beside her and walked past the two of them to leave.

In the quiet room, only the silent Leng Mingyu and the angry Su Mochen were left.

After a while, she suddenly looked at him with sullen eyes, "Leng Mingyu, what were you doing just now?"

"Are not you just saw it?"

Leng Mingyu suddenly gave a soft smile, glanced at the disbelieving Su Mochen with a sneer, turned and left without saying a word.

At that moment, the clenched hands were filled with too much anger.

"Leng Mingyu, what do you mean!!! Give me an explanation, Leng Mingyu! If you don't apologize to me within 3 minutes, I will definitely not let it go, and I will make you pay the price!" Seeing Su Mochen's hysterical scream, what responded to her was silence.

The uneasiness in my heart finally broke out.

From the moment Ye Xingtong came back, what she was most worried about finally happened.

After half an hour.

The grand reception of Haotian Group was held in the lobby of the seven-star hotel. Not only the employees of the company, friends from all walks of life, and many media reporters were present.From the bustling start, there was harmony and harmony, and no one could have imagined that there would be a big farce happening here.

(End of this chapter)

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