Chapter 270 The reason for falling in love with Yan Sijue (19)

"Later, you and I were chased by killers twice, or maybe it was because you were protecting me at that time, so I didn't seem to feel any more when I saw you killing people..."

As she spoke, her own little face wrinkled.

Yan Sijue frowned suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

" could I have such an idea?" Ye Xingtong opened his eyes wide, looked at him in disbelief, and suddenly stammered anxiously: "Ah...I also feel that life has no weight, is it mine? The world view has also changed? What should I do, have I also become bad?"

"what are you worried about?"

Yan Sijue couldn't laugh or cry, he stroked her long hair with his big hand, his movements were gentle.

Ye Xingtong was anxious, and held his hand without thinking, looked at him seriously and uneasy, and said seriously, "Yan Sijue, do you think I will go bad? I mean, if If one day I really hate someone, will I kill him in a fit of anger? Ah! I don’t want to, I don’t want to kill anyone!”


Yan Sijue rubbed the center of his brows, with a helpless expression on his face, "Xingtong, you've watched too many movies, don't let your imagination run wild!"

"Well...but I'm worried!"

Ye Xingtong bit her lip and looked at him pitifully.

Yan Sijue sighed softly, raised his evil eyes, stared at her, and parted his lips lightly, "You don't have to worry, and you don't have to be afraid, because you will never meet this day when you are with me. If there is a day You hate one in particular, so much that you want to kill him, then I must be the one who kills him!"

While speaking, he gently held her cold hand, and said solemnly word by word.

"Xingtong, I won't let you suffer that kind of thing. I can even say arrogantly that I have enough ability to protect everything you have."

A calm word, but expressed a thrilling feeling in Ye Xingtong's heart.

She lost her mind and stared at him blankly. It took a while before she realized it.

"Thank you."

Thousands of words, but finally a word of thanks sums it all up.

Yan Sijue held her hand, smiled on his lips, and said with a playful smile: "Xingtong, if you want to say thank you or sorry to me in the future, I suggest you kiss me instead. In this way, if I If I am happy, I will be happier, if I am unhappy, I will be happy!"

"Why are you happy or not? You said a tongue twister!"

Ye Xingtong glared at him angrily, pretending to be stupid to cover up his strange expression.

She suddenly felt that after tonight, the relationship between her and Yan Sijue was completely different.

"You remember, that's good!"

Yan Sijue glanced at her implyingly, then looked away leisurely, and said casually: "Xing Tong, when I have time later, I will take you to North Asia in Canada to have a look."

"Huh? I've been to Canada, but I've never heard of North Asia!"

When Ye Xingtong felt a little shy for some reason, when he heard him change the subject, he immediately moved over attentively.

Yan Sijue propped up his arms, closed his eyes lazily, and said with a smile: "Beiya is an inconspicuous little place, but the scenery is beautiful, I want to show you there!"

"Is there any special significance?"

Ye Xingtong really couldn't explain it, the proposal he made seemed like a honeymoon.

Yan Sijue squinted his eyes, and his eyes wandered a little far away for a while.

"Well, North Asia is a secret place where a few friends and I set up a base. It has a special meaning to me, so I want to show you there."

PS: Ten Hearts lost in mahjong last night, please comfort me!Continue to update in the afternoon!

(End of this chapter)

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