Chapter 1010
The giant palm that covers the sky and the sun, the ancient tombstone that contains the breath of death, and the mighty spirit of gods and demons raging in the world, this is a scene that destroys the world!

The Son of Yin Mo was frightened and screamed in terror.A streak of black divine light crazily surged and merged into the roulette, and Jiuyou Yin Gods in black armor rushed out of the roulette, roaring and rushed to the sky, intending to smash the hands of gods and demons.

After entering the heaven, Jiang Shang cast the 'Tomb Suppressing Demon Hand' for the first time, and its power was even more terrifying.No matter how the Son of Yin Devil struggles and resists, it will be of no avail!
The Yin Mo Shengzi's heart has long been in chaos, and the supernatural powers he activated in his panic are far less than three-tenths of the usual.When the hand of the tomb-suppressing god and demon fell from the sky, he finally understood what he was afraid of in his heart!
At the same time, Jiang Shang's icy eyes froze for an instant, staring at the endlessly spinning ancient roulette, his heart was surging.

"What the hell is this roulette? Why do you have a feeling of déjà vu?" Such a thought flashed in his mind, enough to make Jiang Shang have no time to think about it, and the killing intent poured out!

"Death to me!"

Jiang Shang's furious roar was like the long chant of an ancient demon god across time and space, followed by a terrifying coercion that suffocated the people present.

"No—" The Yin Mo Shengzi let out a desperate roar, and the endlessly spinning roulette was covered with cracks in an instant, the light was dim, and it fell from the sky.

With a deafening roar, the body of the Son of the Yin Demon, who was killed by the bombardment, was completely wiped out, both body and spirit!

Gu Jinghai resolutely abandoned the giant beast, and quickly retreated with a change of expression.

Jiang Shang's strength made him feel threatened.Especially just now, the extremely terrifying supernatural power of killing made him feel a creepy feeling, and his whole body was icy cold.

Gu Jinghai is not afraid of Jiang Shang, but he knows that if he confronts Jiang Shang at this moment, his chances of winning are slim.His mentality has been affected, and he is unable to exert his peak combat power.

Retreating is not because of cowardice, but to adjust the state and meet the next confrontation!
The golden-armored monk on the other side also changed his expression drastically at this moment, and flew away without hesitation.His choice is the same as that of Gu Jinghai, so it can be seen that he has also been greatly affected.

As the best among Tianjiao Supreme, he and Gu Jinghai are very aware of their own strength.In their eyes, Jiang Shang is an existence of the same level. If they really fight, the outcome is unpredictable.

And at this time, Jiang Shang's aura has reached its peak, and his aura is like a dragon, so he can't resist at all.Under the premise that the mood is affected, it is unwise to fight Jiang Shang.

The same choice, retreat without hesitation, without the slightest nostalgia.

Gu Jinghai's voice came from afar: "Jiang Shang, your strength surprised me!"

At the same time, the golden-armored monk's voice sounded like gold and iron clanging, extremely sonorous.

"Looking forward to fighting with you! I will wait for you in the second secret realm!"

The voice echoed in the sky, like a demon whispering, shaking the universe.

Jiang Shang lowered his expression coldly, restrained his magical powers, and carefully inspected the injuries of the two Black Eagles, frowning.The injuries of the two Black Eagles are quite serious, and the current situation has become more and more serious.

Jiang Shang looked awe-inspiring, and raised his hand to bring the two into the world of bones.

In fact, the best way is to send the two of them into the Bone Nine Heavens Map. In this way, not only can the two of them recover from their injuries, but also his actions will be much more free.

However, the Bone Nine Heavens Chart is his biggest secret, and he doesn't want the second person to know.Unless the two Black Eagles stay inside forever, they will never be born!
"Heavenly Proud Fighting? Hmph, since you can't avoid it, then just kill everyone!" A sneer appeared on Jiang Shang's face. After feeding the two of them the elixir, he picked up the ancient roulette, turned and left.


The incident of the ancient holy land caused a great battle, which had far-reaching effects.

Among the more than a hundred Tianjiao figures, there are seven who are listed as the favorites to win the championship by many monks!

Among the Sirius Clan, there are three people: Gu Zhen, Gu Feng, and Gu Jinghai!

However, in terms of comprehensive strength and talent, even if Gu Zhen and Gu Feng are on the list, they are not very competitive.

After several times of confrontation, these two people are far from Gu Jinghai.

In this way, the favorites to win the championship changed from seven to five.However, the fall of the Yin Demon Son reduced the number of favorites to win the championship to four.

Sirius clan - Gu Jinghai!Immortal San is a post-secondary cultivation base, and his combat power is comparable to that of Immortal Fourth Half Saint King, on the verge of breaking through.

The ancient religion of the God of War—Vatican!Similarly, Xian San's post-secondary cultivation base is no weaker than Gu Jinghai's.The golden-armored monk who appeared in the valley was none other than Fan Yang!
The Holy Demon Spirit Ape Tianjiao——Yuan Xiu!This person's whereabouts are mysterious, and it is rumored that he has the ancient blood of the ancestor god ape, and his aptitude is against the sky.

Daoist Xuanling, the chief disciple of the Yinyang Immortal Sect, is also the most terrifying existence among the hundred Tianjiao. It is said that this person's true strength has already reached the realm of the Immortal Five, and is almost invincible among his peers.

After nearly a month of fighting, there was a clear gap between the many monks in the secret realm and the Supreme Being.The mighty strength of many arrogances, especially Gu Jinghai and others, made everyone afraid of them.

The favorites to win the championship, three of them have been gradually eliminated in just one month, and the Son of Yin Demon has died and disappeared completely!
For a while, people in the secret realm panicked.Especially those monks who won treasures all hid in Tibet.

Everyone understands that the real peak contest is not far away.

Time flew by quietly, and the entire secret realm was shrouded in a solemn momentum, and the storm was about to come.

At the entrance of the second secret realm, more and more monks broke into the formation.By this time, most people have come to understand that the real treasure is hidden in the second or even the third secret realm!

The Eight-lock Dragon Gate Formation really lived up to its fierce reputation.The terrifying formation that once caused the fall of the seven immortals, even though it was incomplete, still became a stumbling block that prevented many monks from moving forward.

Those who enter the secret realm are all those who want to fight for opportunities.Opportunity means that we will be able to reach the peak in the future!As a result, more and more monks broke into the formation, but all of them fell sadly.

There are tens of thousands of monks in the secret realm of the Holy Land, and now, including the arrogance of all parties, there are less than [-] left!
However, the fall of most of the monks seems to have opened up the clarion call of all sides fighting for the top.One after another, the incomparably powerful Tianjiao Supremes showed their majestic attitudes one after another, hunting down monks and strong men one after another, and snatching treasures.

With the continuous outbreak of treasure disputes, some of the hundred Tianjiao Supremes were gradually eliminated.

Some people withdrew voluntarily, and some made a comeback... At this time, a name that was very strange to most monks became famous and became famous far and wide in just a few days.

Jiang Shang!

(End of this chapter)

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