Chapter 1012 Borrowing Holy Blood
Jiang Shang didn't care too much about the confrontation with Gu Zhen.

Now in this secret realm, the arrogant figures from all sides appeared one by one, using thunderous means to hunt down monks and snatch treasures.And Jiang Shang is looking for pure holy blood everywhere, and both sides will meet sooner or later.

What's more, Gu Jinghai injured the two Black Eagles before, and this account will be settled sooner or later.In comparison, what is it to tear your skin apart with Gu Zhen?In the end, Jiang Shang will become an enemy of the entire Sirian clan!
Chaos and killing gradually spread to the entire peripheral area.The monk who won the treasure had no intention of competing with the Supreme Being, and ran for his life in a panic.


Among the quiet jungle stands an old stone pagoda, and on the top of the stone pagoda, there is a small fluorescent tree.

The small branches are slender, and the leaves are divided into five colors, which is really beautiful.On the branches, there are five fruits hanging, exuding a strong aroma.

In front of the stone pagoda, there are gullies all over the ground, and ancient trees are leaning here and there.

There was a roar, and amidst the mighty rays of light, a young monk in a purple-gold Taoist robe made a bold move!

The wind and thunder roared between heaven and earth, and the divine light flew across the sky, turning into a sharp blade, and instantly sent the prey he had been chasing for a long time to Huangquan Road.

The man sneered, waved his sleeve robe, took a piece of holy blood with a complete seal in his hand, and murmured: "Why bother? You know you can't escape, but you still have to struggle." He turned and looked at the top of the stone tower , with burning eyes.

"Fellow Daoist, how about using the holy blood in your hand?" A flat voice seemed to ring in his ears, causing him to change color in shock.The person was suddenly shocked: careless!There are still people hiding here?If this is a sneak attack, how can there be life at this moment!

The young monk looked gloomy, and turned his head to look impressively.A hundred feet away, a young man in a black robe was staring at the holy blood in his hand.

It was Jiang Shang who came.

The young monk looked over sharply, and found that Jiang Shang was full of hidden energy, but his cultivation was only at the second level of immortality.

Although he wondered in his heart how a strong Immortal Er survived, he couldn't help feeling a little contemptuous.At that moment, the young monk sneered and said: "What are you! Do you have the guts to 'borrow' what is in the hands of this deity?"

Seeing that this person has a strong breath, he is more than a point stronger than Gu Zhen and others.Moreover, this person's supernatural powers are extremely powerful, and he should be the pride of heaven to kill a monk at the lower middle level of the third immortal in an instant.

As for the Supreme Beings of Heaven, they are naturally unrestrained and unparalleled, and they are not easy to get along with.

Jiang Shang asked again: "To borrow or not to borrow?"

At this moment, Jiang Shang's eyes were fixed on the holy blood, turning a blind eye to the rare trees on the stone pagoda.After searching for many days, I originally thought of giving up, and made plans after entering the second secret realm, but I didn't expect that there was pure holy blood here?

Feeling the majestic aura emanating from the holy blood, Jiang Shang was extremely excited.It would undoubtedly be a great thing if Black Eagle can also step into the realm of Immortal Three!

Being despised by others, the young monk was furious and shouted, "Get lost!"

With a wave of his hand, he shot out a divine light, and the horses flew across the sky, turning into thousands of sharp blades in an instant, falling in the air!
The sound of piercing the sky shook the sky, making people's ears roar and blood surging.

The trembling sound came, as if it resonated with the whole world, and the terrifying fluctuations were extremely strange.

"You can't say what you say!" Jiang Shang's eyes froze.The reason why he didn't do anything just now was because he found that this person's whole body was full of Dao Qi, and his Dao skills had been cultivated to the point of Tong Xuan.

Jiang Shang has encountered many people who practice Taoism in the lower realm.Even in today's world, where the gods are omnipotent, there are still some ancient sects that inherit ancient orthodox traditions.However, after entering the heaven, this was the first time he met such a person.

What's more, a person who has cultivated Taoism to such an extent must have shocking methods!Jiang Shang was unwilling to have a conflict with such a terrifying figure.

With a single wave of his hand, this person displayed a jaw-dropping terrorist attack power, and his strength was quite powerful.

Jiang Shang was not annoyed, ripples rippled all over his body, and the bones of the gods slowly emerged, and immediately shattered thousands of sharp blades.

"I have no intention of fighting for the five-element thunder wood on the stone pagoda. It's just that this pure holy blood is of great use to me. So I ask fellow Taoists to cut it off..." Jiang Shang said flatly, still not intending to do anything.

"This guy is obviously a monk of the Second Immortal, but he easily smashed my Taoism supernatural power?" The young monk's eyes flickered, and he was extremely surprised.The contempt that existed in my heart before could not help but dissipate, and I suddenly became cautious.

But as the Supreme Being of one side, how could he lower his status like this?He sneered, and said, "It does have some strength! But based on this alone, you want the holy blood in the hands of this deity? You want to die!"

The young monk took a step forward, and a glow shot up from his body, and a phantom image of a Taoist priest with immortal demeanor appeared in the sky.The daoist's eyes turned slightly, and the light in his eyes turned into a phantom of divine light, and countless spells and talismans filled the sky.

"Fayin Qiankun, suppress!" A soft shout sounded, and the talisman seals gathered in an instant, turning into a simple big seal, shaped like a towering mountain, and fell down with a crash.

Jiang Shang shook his head helplessly, and sighed: "Hey, a fight is inevitable after all. Why bother?"

Running around for the past few days, he has already met no less than [-] Tianjiao figures, all of whom are tyrannical.The cultivation bases of these people are all from the Third Immortal Middle School, with great power and power, and their combat effectiveness is also at the fourth level of Immortals, which is quite powerful.

But these so-called Tianjiao people have one thing in common, that is, they never speak well!
All of them have their eyes above the top and are defiant.Before that, there were a few guys who were arrogant and domineering and regarded Jiang Shang as a hunting target, and they were all 'sent' out of the secret realm by Jiang Shang in the end.

At present, the entire Holy Land Secret Realm is not only full of killings, but also reveals a very strange atmosphere. Jiang Shang is unwilling to attack with all his strength in order to prevent changes.

This time, he intended to exchange the treasure for the holy blood, but he didn't expect it to be a big fight again, which made him quite helpless.

Shaking his head, Jiang Shang's aura suddenly changed, the majestic aura of gods and demons permeated, and circles of white bone gods burst into light, just like a demon god descending into the world, with boundless power!

Outside the secret realm of the Holy Land, on a towering high platform.

The faces of all the powerful figures were gloomy. In recent days, many Tianjiao figures either completely fell into the secret realm, or were beheaded and appeared on the altar at the entrance of the secret realm.

This scene naturally made some families happy and some families sad.And Jiang Shang's name was also known by all the great powers.A junior from the lower realm who was a guest of the Sirius tribe, unexpectedly rose against the sky in a short period of time?

While everyone was thinking about it, the ancient ancestor of Sirius smiled inexplicably and said softly: "It's almost time. Now that the battle has begun, it's time to release those creatures..."

In the secret realm, over the basin and plain deep in the mountains, thousands of rays of light suddenly lit up, and the sky-shattering roars ripped apart the sky!The monk's miserable howl suddenly came from the formation, making one's scalp tingle.

The eight portals of the formation suddenly lit up with divine light, and roars sounded one after another.

Due east, at the entrance of the formation, a huge black tiger covered in flames swooped out...

(End of this chapter)

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