Chapter 1020 Mutation
There was a violent roar, and the sky shook.

A big hand descended from the sky and shattered the Longmen formation in one fell swoop, creating a horrific scene that made everyone present stand on the spot dumbfounded.

The majestic palace rising from the billowing sunlight is dazzling.As far as Jiang Shang and the others looked, there was a dazzling light, and it seemed that the divine music of the nine heavens sounded in their ears, and the fairy music was ethereal.

Even Daoist Xuanling, who stood tall in the sky and looked down at the heaven and earth, lost his mind for a short time.

However, although the scene in front of him is charming, it hides a terrifying murderous intent.

The Longmen formation shattered, and a wave of transparent light slowly rippled, followed by more and more movement.The turbulent airflow stirred endless earth, rocks, smoke and dust, shaped like a mountain roaring tsunami, and instantly turned into a sky-covering raging wave, sweeping the sky and covering the earth in all directions.

The basin is surrounded by mountains, and at the moment when the terrifying fluctuation appeared, the peaks collapsed one after another, and even the eight gates of the formation collapsed, and the sky was filled with gravel and gravel.

The people who were in a daze also woke up in shock at this moment, turned around and flew away, roaring in their mouths, and some even swearing, everyone increased their speed to the extreme.

Obviously, the terrifying hand that suddenly fell from the sky must be the handwriting of the ancient ancestor of Sirius.

Among the many great powers, only this lord Xianjun has such strength, easily penetrates the blockade of the secret realm, and destroys the Longmen Formation.

While everyone was running away at a high speed, except for Jiang Shang, who was still a little unclear, the rest of the people were all depressed, but they dared not say a word.

This turn of events was beyond everyone's expectations.

No one expected that the Longmen Great Formation would be destroyed in an instant, and the double secret realm would be completely opened.

Before that, everyone fought desperately, fighting to the death in order to snatch the things that entered the battle.In the end, the formation was directly destroyed, and they were busy for nothing!
Rumbling, the sky is falling and the earth is falling.

The violent roar shook the sky.The rosy light storm, which was shaped like a raging sea, destroyed everything around the plain at an extremely fast speed.

Jiang Shang restrained his bone body, holding a huge long knife, his figure was like lightning.While running at extreme speed, he was also constantly speculating about the ins and outs in his mind.

After thinking about it for a while, he deeply felt that there must be something strange in it, and he seemed to have missed something important...

Behind, the storm raged, and the mountain peaks and dense jungles turned into nothingness in an instant.In front of this ray of light storm, a group of Tianjiao figures scattered and fled in all directions, in a panic.

The power of the Xiaguang storm made Jiang Shang and others terrified.A few people were a little slower, and they died on the spot in an instant. The storm crushed forward irresistibly, destroying everything.

Suddenly, Jiang Shang's eyes caught a glimpse of a figure, and his expression turned cold.

I saw, hundreds of miles ahead, Gu Zhen fled away in a panic.Behind him, Gu Shuo and others who had met Jiang Shang several times, were all covered in blood, panicked and exclaimed again and again.

The corners of Jiang Shang's mouth curled up, showing a sneer, his eyes rolled, and he looked into the distance.

Tianjiao Supreme, who had launched a siege against him and Fanyang before, was in a state of confusion, panic was all over his face, and he was only concerned with running for his life.

But at this moment, Fan Yang's figure appeared not far from the left.

His and Jiang Shang's eyes collided, and the two immediately understood each other's thoughts, sneered in a very tacit understanding, and their figures suddenly accelerated!
"It's rude to come and go! The hunt has begun..." Jiang Shang murmured softly, with cold murderous intent in his eyes.

He was besieged and killed for no reason before, how could he just expose it?
Looking at Jiang Shang's rise all the way, he will take revenge if he wants to, and he never keeps revenge overnight.Anyone who offends him will be retaliated within the shortest possible time.

Sudden siege, if it wasn't for the sudden change, he and Fan Yang would probably perish under the mountain.How could such a great enmity not be avenged?

Regarding the doubts in his heart, Jiang Shang instantly thought about it.Since you have doubts that have not been resolved, then find someone to ask!
A flash of white lightning flashed, and Jiang Shang made a sudden move, blocking the way of a Tianjiao.

The man was taken aback for a moment, and then shouted with a ferocious expression: "Get out!"

The resplendent divine light rioted, illuminating the world.A series of ancient talisman cultures filled the sky and rushed towards Jiang Shang.

Jiang Shang slashed the long white bone knife in his hand, and the murderous aura spread in all directions, slashing across the sea of ​​flames.Turning a blind eye to the crazily burning flames around him, Jiang Shang strode forward and punched out.


The sound of wind and thunder that exploded in the sky, accompanied by the low roar of the gods and demons, resounded through the sky.

The sword is invincible, and the shadow of the fist is like a mountain.

Tianjiao's expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly took out an ancient tortoise shell and put it upright in front of him.

There was a muffled sound like the sound of bells, drums and thunder, and all the shadows of the sword glow and fist hit the tortoise shell.

Tianjiao Supreme, who was dressed in Taoist robes, took three steps back with a terrified expression.

The monstrous roar behind him approached at an extremely fast speed, making his face pale instantly, and he roared: "Get out—"

This person roared angrily, and his whole body was burning with the real fire of the Dao, just like the ancient fire god descending into the world, rushing madly, wrapped in a torrential heat wave.

On the tortoise shell, there are circles of ancient patterns lit up, among which are mixed with mysterious runes, which are unparalleled in brilliance.This person used the tortoise shell to block his body, and rushed over arrogantly, with momentum like a rainbow.

Jiang Shang smiled coldly and shouted, "You are the one waiting!"

The aura of gods and demons billowed and boiled, turning into a giant bone palm, blasting out.

The man suddenly felt as if he had been hit hard, and his figure was blown away.

But at this moment, the dense world of bones suddenly appeared, sealing the surrounding area.This arrogant person crashed headlong into the world of bones and disappeared without a trace.

Jiang Shang waved his sleeves and flew away.

On the other side, Fan Yang made a sudden attack, and the halberd struck and killed him.A celestial pride who fled in panic was killed by one blow, and blood spilled into the sky.

Fan Yang sneered ferociously, and said, "Dare to attack me? Seek death!"

The voice echoed in the void and was covered by the violent roar from behind. His figure instantly disappeared in place and galloped forward.


Even though the terrifying blow of Xianjun's mighty power has been weakened due to the ban of the secret realm, its power is still astonishing.

Two quarters of an hour later, figures soared into the sky, surrounded by various divine lights, and quickly moved away from the mountains.

The explosion followed closely, destroying the surrounding mountains and rivers, and spreading towards the wilderness on both sides of the mountains.

Centering on the double secret realm in the basin plain, the entire mountain range, which is tens of thousands of miles long, is divided into two from the middle.Numerous mountains, rivers and valleys around the basin were flattened and completely destroyed by the monstrous storm.

The Xiaguang storm was raging, and the lethality it caused was indescribable.Many monks, celestial arrogance, and creatures of the Holy Land who had no time to escape faced only one fate—death!
Those who escaped from the storm by chance, together with the Tianjiao people, only a few hundred people remained.

It can be seen how terrifying the power of this almost destructive storm is!
(End of this chapter)

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