Chapter 1023

His eyes swept across the Jin Ling saintess, and Fan Yang's expression suddenly changed slightly, and his eyes gradually became firm.In an instant, the whole body's aura changed completely, and Jiang Shang's indomitable progress had a very wonderful influence on him.

At this moment, Fan Yang seemed to be possessed by the god of war, waking up from a deep sleep, and an invincible aura swept all directions.

"Eh?" Daoist Xuanling looked sideways slightly, and murmured, "This fellow Fanyang actually made a breakthrough? The situation is getting more and more interesting..."

But he said that Jiang Shang was in a dangerous situation.

A group of strong men join forces, led by more than twenty Tianjiao figures, the powerful combat force formed is by no means as simple as superposition.

Even a terrifying existence like Daoist Xuanling dare not say that he can get out of such a dangerous situation!

While Jiang Shang was going back and forth, the real body of the bone bone was severely impacted, and the light of the bone bone all over his body flickered on and off.In just a moment, he felt powerless.

It seems that the center of the siege battlefield is a swamp full of mud, and the restrictions on movement are getting stronger and stronger.And the scope of his activities is also rapidly shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The phantom of the ancient demon god released the world-destroying light, which merged with the rays of light and turned into a sky-opening blade, which struck like lightning.

Jiang Shang roared, turned around and punched out.The phantoms of the surrounding gods and demons roared in unison, and the divine light of the bones surged crazily, gathering and forming on the giant fist like a mountain, turning into a series of simple lines, emitting suffocating and terrifying fluctuations.

Rumble!There was a violent roar, and the sky collapsed!
Jiang Shang punched the ultimate move released by several people together, and immediately felt a destructive force, overwhelming him, knocking him back again and again.

A Tianjiao strode forward, holding a purple gold sledgehammer, and smashed it down!


The scalp-numbing sound of piercing the air, and the layers of electric light shining on the purple-gold sledgehammer, stirred up endless thunder from heaven and earth, frantically gathering.

At this moment, there was a dead silence between heaven and earth.Only the thunder and lightning flashed continuously, shining with dazzling light.

Jiang Shang's eyes flickered, and he said: "Good thing!" After saying that, he laughed loudly and went to meet him without any fear.

Possessing the sea of ​​memory of the demon ancestor, Jiang Shang has the ability to distinguish the rank of treasures at a glance.As long as the item is not a powerful fairy treasure at the level of the holy weapon of the fairy king, he can see it all at a glance.

Before this, he had never coveted any treasures belonging to the weapon, but this purple gold sledgehammer seemed to have an extraordinary origin, and it was quite a valuable item.

When the purple-gold sledgehammer struck through the air, Jiang Shang instantly wanted to snatch it.

In an instant, the bone giant fist swung again and again, the wind and thunder stormed, and the shadow of the fist filled the sky, corresponding to the thunder and lightning that came from the sky.

On the other arm, the seal formula changed, and a terrifying big hand that covered the sky, wrapped in the turbulent energy of the yellow sky, grabbed it suddenly, intending to capture this thing in one fell swoop.

boom! boom! boom!
The violent energy collapsed, and the roar was like thunder and bells, shaking people's hearts.

The sound of rumbling through the sky followed, and Huang Tian's hand tore open the sky, shattered the void, and grabbed the purple-gold sledgehammer in his hand.

"Dare you thief!"

Tianjiao's complexion changed drastically, and he roared angrily.

The divine light of destruction was lit up all around, and the infinite coercion poured out, and the powerful once again joined forces to launch a shocking blow.

Jiang Shang's figure was immediately submerged in it, and he forcibly resisted the blow with his body.

The shattering terrifying energy swept across the world, causing an endless frenzy to turn into huge waves. The waves tossed and roiled, and the void collapsed layer by layer.

To die and then to live!
Jiang Shang naturally understood how many risks were hidden in it.

If he was a little careless, he might be doomed, and this place would also become his place of death.

However, accidentally capturing two keys made him a target of public criticism.

With the murderous intentions of a group of powerful men and Taoist Xuanling and others staring at him, he has no other choice but to fight to the death!
But Jiang Shang has absolute confidence in himself.

Once the energy inherited by Xianjun's bloodline is fully utilized, stepping into the realm of Immortal Three is a breeze.

What's more, in Jiang Shang's hands, there are still a large number of blood of the ancient sages with complete seals, which will also become a big reliance for him to break through!
Previously, in order to find the pure holy blood suitable for Sombra, Jiang Shang killed nine Tianjiao figures in just a few days, and at the same time caused as many as hundreds of monks to fall completely.

Such a terrifying record made him famous far and wide. The word 'Jiang Shang' spread rapidly and became famous in an instant, which aroused fear from many parties.

Since the record is terrifying, the harvest must be quite rich.A large amount of ancient sage's blood and various treasures were collected by him.

With all the above conditions in place, it became imperative for Jiang Shang to take the initiative to provoke a siege war.

And this scene, in the eyes of the onlookers, is tantamount to seeking death, which is completely the performance of a fool looking for death.It's no wonder that all the disciples of Sirius would sarcasm and even gloat.

In fact, the strong men including Daoist Xuanling are quite complicated at the moment.

This siege battle, no matter the winner or loser, is not good news for them.

Once Jiang Shang wins, it means that there will be another terrifying existence comparable to Xuanling Daoist in the secret realm battle, and no one can stop it!Even if Jiang Shang could kill all the besiegers, he would be more terrifying than Taoist Xuanling.

And once Jiang Shang loses, it also means that the more than 20 Tianjiao will break out in melee again, and in the end there will also be a Xeon existence, who will take the opportunity in his hands.And Daoist Xuanling and others will also have one more, or even more powerful opponents.


Beyond the secret realm, before the canyon.

All the famous Tianjiao figures stared blankly, holding their breath and concentrating.

Above the canyon, a light curtain with a size of hundreds of miles covers the sky.In the light curtain, it was the scene where Jiang Shang was in deep danger and desperately fighting.

The Tianjiao character who was originally unwilling and vowed to fight back, instantly lost the confidence to enter the secret realm to fight again.

Jiang Shang's performance is simply against the sky!
Moreover, the performance of other Tianjiao characters also exceeded everyone's expectations.

Just one word: Ruthless!

It's too ruthless!In order to get rid of Jiang Shang's stumbling block, apart from the top few arrogances, the others joined together to launch a strong siege!

This is to completely kill Jiang Shang in the secret realm.

Because they all knew that Jiang Shang entered through the first entrance, and there was no such thing as a death talisman.Once defeated, it means that he will completely fall!
Even on the high platform in the distance, the ancient ancestor of Sirius and other great powers fell silent, staring at the light curtain one by one, groaning silently.

Finally, after a long silence, among the powerful figures, someone finally spoke.

"This son's aptitude is against the sky, and his methods are fierce and decisive, slightly better than those gang of Tianjiao juniors."

"Haha, I, Yin Yang Immortal Sect, don't mind having one more chief disciple!"

(End of this chapter)

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