Chapter 1027 Breakthrough is imminent
The violent current swept across, and the roar shook the sky.

Xuanling Daoist's move failed, all kinds of Daoist scriptures that covered the sky hit the empty space, and bombarded the ground below into a deep pit. The palm prints were thousands of feet long, which was extremely terrifying.

This blow, if Gu Jinghai hadn't dodged quickly, he would have been seriously injured by the blow!
In fact, the purpose of the few Tianjiao Supremes headed by Xuanling Daozun to enter the secret realm is to hone themselves.Especially Xuanling Taoist, he needs a well-matched opponent, and intends to make further progress through fierce competition.

The battle for the selection of the Ten Thousand Races Golden Dragon Ranking was far more tragic than this battle for the Holy Land.

The Golden Wolf Ancient Territory has a vast territory, and this battle for the Holy Land only affected five prefectures in the northwest, with a radius of less than ten thousand miles.Moreover, among the many arrogances invited, many powerful young monks failed to arrive as scheduled due to various reasons.

Fan Yang, Yuan Xiu and others also had almost the same purpose.And they all know that Daoist Xuanling seems to be extremely powerful, and can even sweep away any monks in the secret realm.

But in fact, he can only rule the roost in the Golden Wolf Ancient Region, and ranks among the top three of the younger generation. If he goes out, he may not be invincible, and there will be many opponents.

These "hottest candidates to win the championship" are all for sharpening themselves, and intend to make some progress before the start of the elimination battle.

Combining all the potential reasons above, it directly led to the previous scene: Jiang Shang was deeply surrounded and killed, but they watched from the sidelines!He almost turned a blind eye to the numerous palaces in the double secret realm.

Obviously, they were all waiting, waiting for that opponent of comparable strength to appear!

However, many strong men from the Sirius clan are slightly different.

The Sirius elite, like most monks, came in only to snatch treasures for future needs.

For them, such an opportunity is very rare.Except for the various resources allocated by the tribe on weekdays, they rarely have the opportunity to collect all kinds of treasures wantonly, so that they behave extremely crazy and cruel.

In addition, because of the matter of the "Son of Heavenly Wolf", Gu Jinghai, Gu Feng and other four great talents of the Sirius tribe have already regarded all kinds of treasures in the second level secret realm as their own.They know better than anyone else that the treasure in the second layer of secret realm is the ultimate test left to them by the ancient ancestor of Sirius!

But Jiang Shang's sudden rise made Gu Jinghai and others extremely vigilant for an instant, and even made a sneak attack from behind.

The two sides are endless, how can they watch Jiang Shang rise, and then come to fight for the opportunity that belongs to them?
Gu Jinghai and others wanted to kill Jiang Shang to save the opportunity, so as to compete for the title of 'Son of Heavenly Wolf'.

Taoist Xuanling and the others need a strong enough opponent, and this opponent is Jiang Shang who is about to break through!
Thus, a war was inevitable.

Standing in the bloody beam of light, Jiang Shang frantically absorbed the energy of Qi and blood, and the Qi in his body skyrocketed again and again.One move, Bone Tianhe, is extremely powerful, killing dozens of strong people in an instant.

Such ferocious strength shocked the people present.It seems that in an instant, these monks in the realm of the immortal three became like chickens and dogs, vulnerable to a single blow!
"Hahaha... boy, take me with a stick!" Yuan Xiu's wild laughter came, and he saw a terrifying demon ape with a height of hundreds of feet, holding a thousand-foot iron rod, coming through the air.

A stick swept out, shattered the void, and came straight to Jiang Shang.


The universe oscillated violently, with Jiang Shang as the center, circles of bloody lines formed, covering the earth in an instant.Taotao's blood was surging and boiling, pouring into Jiang Shang's body like ten thousand water returning to the void.

The fluctuations containing terrifying power turned into a raging wave, blocking Yuan Xiu's front.

A shocking muffled sound erupted, and the iron rod collided with the blood-colored turmoil, as if the drum of the Nine Heavens had been struck.
Circles of bloody air waves swept across the world.

In an instant, more than a dozen immortal monks had their limbs broken by the impact, and their blood was scattered in the air.A powerful anti-shock force emerged, and Yuan Xiu was directly thrown backwards by the impact, and couldn't help screaming.


Yuan Xiu's [-]-foot body collided with several mountain peaks and was submerged in billowing smoke and dust.

"Hiss! Let's go!"

"Damn it, it's really against the sky this time!"

"It's more terrifying than Xuanling Daoist, what kind of monster is this?"

A group of monks who escaped in a panic were all stunned.After a cry of surprise, they fled in all directions.

The dozen or so Tianjiao who hadn't rushed to the front also turned their heads and ran away after the bloody wave erupted.

Yuan Xiu was sent flying in one fell swoop without even moving. This is too terrifying!

The earth and rocks flew, and a burly figure rushed out of the dust-shrouded land, holding up a thousand-foot iron rod, and shouted wildly: "Okay! Only such an opponent is worthy of my king's all-out attack!"

The universe trembled, and the sky collapsed.

The black demon ape with a size of hundreds of feet swelled up again, and the iron rod in his hand also grew thousands of feet out of thin air.Yuan Xiu turned into a fearsome demonic ape that stands up to the heavens and earth, and burst into a sky-shattering roar.

The pitch-black iron rod swung, and the sound of cracking the sky erupted. Wherever it passed, the void collapsed inch by inch.

Yuan Xiu's ferocious flames were so fierce that he launched another attack.

Standing in the blood, Jiang Shang closed his eyes slightly, raised his palm again, and shouted: "Get out!"

At this moment, at the critical moment of the breakthrough, dozens of different ancient sage's blood were forcibly refined by him, but participating in the blood energy of the immortal monarch, it was like a wild horse running wild, rampaging through the meridians, and it was a little out of control!

The blood of the ancient sage could not be fused with the remaining blood of the immortal. If it was interrupted again, Jiang Shang would be seriously injured even if he did not die, leaving permanent damage that could not be cured.

But Yuan Xiu went into a runaway state, he would take into account Jiang Shang's feelings, and rushed forward with incomparable arrogance.

At this moment, Daoist Xuanling shot out with anger, intending to kill Gu Jinghai and other disciples of the Heavenly Wolf, but Fan Yang and the Holy Maiden Jinling were unwilling to take the risk to stop them.

Jiang Shang was very aware of the current situation, so he had to mobilize the little remaining true spirit energy, activate his magical powers, and resist.

The sky split open, and a towering hand enveloping the billowing air flow descended from the sky.The flashing avenue pattern on the five fingers exuded a destructive aura, broke through the blockade of the secret realm in an instant, and blasted down.

However, what was different from before was that the aura of Huang Tian was mixed with streaks of blood-colored thick fog, which looked extremely frightening.

Yuan Xiu raised his head to the sky and howled wildly, shouting: "Fight!"

The iron rod flew across the sky, crazily skyrocketing, like the backbone of heaven and earth collapsing suddenly, falling down with a bang, containing incredible power, which made people frightened.

clack clack-

The sound of void shattering spread rapidly, and the place where the two fought has been completely turned into ruins, the sky is falling apart, and storms are everywhere.

The roar of divine thunder, followed by dense crackling sounds, resounded through the heaven and earth.

Huang Tian's hand collided with the terrifying iron rod, the energy was torn apart, and the energy was rampant, causing the killing light to spread rapidly.

(End of this chapter)

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