Chapter 1029 Give You A Trip

Gu Teng left in a daze, but all the powerful figures on the high platform, as well as many elders of the Sirius Clan, felt emotional ups and downs.

Many powerful figures present speculated about the intentions of the ancient ancestor of Sirius.Judging from Gu Teng's previous performance, this son is very courageous and has a great sense of righteousness in his chest, he is a man who can be made.

If the ancestor of Sirius cultivated it himself, it means that Gu Teng's future achievements will definitely not be much worse than Xuanling Taoist, Yuan Xiu and others.

Aptitude and talent are innate, but that doesn't mean they can't be changed.I thought that Xianjun would definitely change Guteng's unremarkable aptitude completely if he took action himself!

The simple sentence of Sirius Ancient Ancestor undoubtedly sent a great opportunity to make Gu Teng completely reborn in a short period of time!

Many powerful figures are unavoidably worried, but this matter is a foregone conclusion and cannot be changed.However, they are also full of expectations for the Tianjiao Supreme under their command.

Compared with the acquired chance that Gu Teng obtained, compared with the innate talents of those Tianjiao figures and monks, they believed more firmly that the Tianjiao people were better than others.

The elders of the Sirius tribe, headed by Gu Tianzhang, behaved differently at this moment.

The purpose of this holy land battle was to select a talented student from among the elite children of the Sirius tribe.Although the final candidates will only appear among the four geniuses Gu Jinghai, Gu Feng, Gu Haoran, and Gu Zhen, they will not be too disappointed.

Even if you lose the election, you will also get a lot of cultivation resources.

But the current situation made them unexpected.

Who would have thought that Gu Teng, who usually does not perform well, would suddenly be favored by his ancestors?What a surprise!
They knew very well what the ancestor's decision meant.For a moment, everyone couldn't help but look at each other, with mixed emotions in their hearts, and their faces became very ugly at the same time.

Gu Tianzhang and other elders spent a lot of effort on Gu Jinghai and the others.Years of cultivation have consumed a lot of treasure resources.

Who would have thought that before the battle for the Holy Land was over, the ancestors would give up all of them in great disappointment and confirm the candidate for the 'Son of Sirius'!
The performance of those who were placed with high hopes was greatly disappointing. Their painstaking efforts over the years have been in vain.

Under such circumstances, it would be strange if there was still a good face to look at.

Not to mention that on the high platform outside the canyon, the elders of Sirius had complicated thoughts.

Within the vast holy land secret realm.

Everyone in the secret realm knows nothing about what is happening outside.

While many monks and strong men were robbing treasures, nearly a hundred monks quietly left the chaotic and disputed place and hid in the mountains.

All of these people knew in advance where the real secret treasure was, so they were not in a hurry to snatch it.People like Xingluan knew about the situation in the secret realm before entering.

There is also a small group of monks, all of whom are tyrannical, no worse than the Tianjiao figures.

The reason why these people choose to avoid the edge temporarily is not prescient.It's because after confronting the Tianjiao character, he successfully defeated the opponent and snatched the map from the Tianjiao character!

At the end of the wasteland, less than a few hundred miles away from the vast mountains.The two major battles have already destroyed everything around them, landslides and landslides, and everything is in a mess.

The monks who had been hiding before showed up one after another and headed towards the second level secret realm.Taking advantage of the chaotic fighting among the arrogant and supreme beings, they took advantage of the chaos and prepared to snatch the treasure first.

Among the mountains, Xingluan and Wu Peng, leading more than ten monks, quickly shuttled between the mountains and forests.Suddenly, Xingluan, who was walking in the forefront, stopped abruptly, his eyes turned into the distance, and his expression changed.

The other monks who came after him also stopped and looked up.

All I saw was rumbling and roaring in the sky, and the dazzling lights of various colors made people dazzled and fascinated.In the place closest to them, two figures collided fiercely, constantly confronting each other, and the battle was very fierce.

One of them had a graceful posture, a purple and gold Taoist robe fluttering in the wind, exuding a powerful force with every move, crushing every step, unstoppable.

The other person had long hair flying, and a figure of hundreds of feet above his head appeared, with a wolf's head and a human body, with a demonic aura rising all over his body, unparalleled in ferocity.

Xingluan and other strong men took a deep breath when they saw the faces of the people fighting.

"Daoist Xuanling! It's troublesome now. We are not far from the battle place, he must have discovered it..."

"Gu Jinghai? This guy is dying, and he actually clashed with Daoist Xuanling?"

"What shall we do? Go or stay?"

Everyone was shocked, but they didn't dare to make a sound, and they started discussing through sound transmission.

Xingluan pondered for a while, and said via voice transmission: "Let's see the changes in the situation first, maybe there will be unexpected gains."

High above the sky, the powerful attack and killing of Taoist Xuanling caused Gu Jinghai to retreat steadily, tired of resisting.

Obviously, Gu Jinghai's strength was slightly inferior, and he was completely suppressed and beaten by Taoist Xuanling, showing his defeat.

Immediately afterwards, Daoist Xuanling's attack range suddenly expanded, covering those disciples of the Heavenly Wolf who were eager to escape under the supernatural power of the ultimate move.Gu Zhen and the other disciples of the Heavenly Wolf were forced to retreat, so they simply let go of their hands and feet, joined the battle, and launched a siege.

The one-sided battle situation suddenly changed drastically.A group of disciples of Sirius teamed up, together with Gu Jinghai and Gu Zhen, the two great talents, immediately moved back to the disadvantaged position.

And Daoist Xuanling didn't show any panic even though he was surrounded by heavy siege.With so many enemies, he didn't lose the slightest bit of wind. He raised his hand and made a seal, forcing Gu Jinghai who rushed forward to retreat.

Soon, new changes appeared in the battle situation.

Several Sirian elites formed an attack formation and joined forces to attack and kill, but they were killed on the spot by the unparalleled divine light cast by Taoist Xuanling!

In less than a moment, there were casualties on the side of the Sirius children, and the bloody atmosphere filled the air, making the scene even more tragic.

The fall of several disciples of Sirius seems to have opened the prelude to the massacre of Daoist Xuanling!
The killing formation formed by many disciples of Sirius was completely messed up by the impact of Daoguang and Fu Zhuan.

But at this moment, Gu Jinghai roared wildly, and the phantom of the ancient demon god became more and more solid, and the supernatural eyes standing between the brows, between opening and closing, released a strange edge, which was unstoppable.Gu Zhen also erupted accordingly, transformed into the monster body of a giant wolf king, stepped on endless monster clouds, and roared to kill.

There are thunderous sounds between the sky and the earth, flying sand and rocks.

All kinds of visions and horrors raged across the sky.Daoist Xuanling sneered, and slowly raised his right hand, which had not moved.

A simple seal formula appeared, containing mysterious and inexplicable fluctuations.With the seal of both hands, the wind and thunder are raging in an instant, and the mighty divine light covers the universe, and the situation is majestic.

"I will give you a ride today!"

The cold voice of Daoist Xuanling came, and the mighty divine light turned into a giant seal like a mountain, roaring down from the nine heavens.

(End of this chapter)

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