Chapter 1051
At the end of the desolate mountains and rivers, there is an endless swamp wasteland.

Now, Jiang Shang and the other three, who have traveled across hundreds of millions of miles of land for five years, are frowning and looking into the distance, with worried expressions on their faces.

In the past five years, they have traversed almost the entire Golden Wolf Ancient Domain, heading east from Mirror Moon City in the northwest, to the place closest to Chihuang Canyon.

Along the way, the three of them passed through fifteen prefectures, thousands of tribal settlements, countless mountains, rivers, and wild jungles.

Naturally, there are many dangers and crises along the way.

And it is precisely because of this that the three of them have made considerable progress in the constant battles.

In contrast, the Black Eagles have already stepped into the post-middle class of the Third Immortal, and their combat effectiveness has soared.However, Jiang Shang's progress was not obvious.

In addition to the greater power of Jiang Shang's several magical powers, the other is the blood that has settled down, which makes him appear more vigorous.

But the average Immortal Five cultivator is no longer able to match him.

It took five years to finally reach the outskirts of the Red Desolation Canyon, but it was not an easy task to enter the Red Desolation Canyon.

In the Scarlet Desolation Canyon, there are 33 cities connected in a line, running across the entire Scarlet Desolation Jedi from east to west.However, the border area of ​​the Golden Wolf Ancient Domain and the Chihuang Canyon are not all the way through.

The place where Jiang Shang and the other three are located at this time is still three thousand miles away from Chihuang Fierce City, which is the closest to the Golden Wolf Ancient Region.The swampy area in the middle is a land of death for ordinary monks!
In this swampy wasteland, there are many terrifying creatures that make the monks of the ancient domain turn pale.

Among them, the three fierce beasts, the golden-armored crocodile, the ghost-striped blood snake, and the red-winged wild mosquito, are the most feared by the ancient monks.

Golden-armored crocodiles live in swamps and quagmires, and usually don't take the initiative to attack easily, unless there are creatures passing by near or above them, they will suddenly burst out and start attacking.

Meeting the golden-armored crocodile is the best situation.The strength of these ferocious crocodiles is comparable to the three immortals.As long as you can avoid the sudden fatal blow, there is basically no danger.

It's just because the golden armored crocodile has a thick carapace and amazing defense, but its movement speed is very slow.

The latter two are the headaches for monks.

The ghost-striped blood snake has two wings, and its body contains a strong poison. Not only can it lurk silently at the bottom of the water, but it can also fly in the air at a terrifyingly fast speed.Once the ghost-striped blood snake attacks, it is impossible to guard against.

For thousands of years, most of the monks who wanted to pass by died under the fangs of the ghost-striped blood snake.

And the red-winged mosquito is a group of creatures, usually in groups of tens of thousands, and once it moves, it looks like a moving dark cloud.This kind of fierce beast is only the size of a palm, and its individual strength can barely match that of a strong immortal.

However, once the red-winged mosquitoes gather in groups, it means the end of the monks is coming.

Even the strong in the Immortal Five Realm have less than a [-]% chance of surviving.Under Immortal Five, there is no doubt that he will die!

Jiang Shang and the other three had already inquired about this information when they left Heiming City.

As the closest city to the Chihuang Jedi, a large number of caravans, monk groups, and notorious people gathered in Heiming City.Such monks have been walking on the edge of the Red Desolation all year round, and have even passed through the [-] million-mile Red Desolation more than once, and they are well aware of the dangers along the way.

At this time, the swamp wasteland three thousand miles ahead was dead silent.

Large swaths of hazy mist are constantly floating and moving over the swamp.But under the gray sky, apart from the occasional whistling wind, there was no sound.

This place is eeriely quiet!
Looking at the distant sky, Jiang Shang said in a low voice: "It is rumored that there are countless extremely vicious people in the 33 fierce cities of Chihuang Canyon. It seems that those who can break through such dangerous places are not simple people."

"This swamp wasteland hides deadly dangers. Most of them travel together, at least ten or more of them." Hei Ying said in a deep voice, "My lord, those people have disappeared."

"It's time for us to go." Jiang Shang frowned and said, "Have you memorized all the markings on the topographic map?"

"My lord, don't worry, my subordinates have already remembered it." Hei Ying nodded solemnly with a serious expression on his face.

The purple-eyed dragon bear on the side also responded, with blood surging all over his body, ready to go.

Throughout the ages, there are countless monks like Jiang Shang and the others who broke into the swamp and wasteland.But those people, with their tragic fall, proved to the world how dangerous this place is.

Especially in the past ten thousand years, the monks who entered the swamp with less than ten people or single-handedly all fell into the depths of the swamp, and no one was spared.

Although Jiang Shang and the others had made sufficient preparations, they couldn't guarantee that they would not fall into it.

It's not that they don't want to choose to go together, but that they can't find a reliable person in the short term!

The border area near the Red Desolation Jedi was extremely chaotic.

Fortunately, in the city, various forces have joined forces to suppress it, and no one is allowed to cause trouble in the city.

But once out of Heiming City... such things as murder, sneak attack and assassination all popped up all of a sudden, and there was no way to avoid it.

After Jiang Shang and the three left Heiming City, they were attacked and killed several times, and Black Eagle was almost injured because of this.If the three of them hadn't been so powerful, they had experienced countless dangerous situations in the past five years, and they had already formed the habit, it might be difficult for them to come to the swamp and wasteland.

Soon, the three of them also stepped into the swamp area with extreme caution, and were hidden in layers of fog after a while.

Jiang Shang was in front, his spiritual thoughts enveloped the area for several miles, so he proceeded carefully.The purple-eyed dragon bear is in the center, ready to strike at any time.Black Hawk stayed at the end, paying close attention to the movements behind.

In this way, Jiang Shang and the three moved forward quickly.Naturally, encountering a golden-armored crocodile is unavoidable on the way, but the battles end quickly.The moment the golden-armored crocodile rose violently, Jiang Shang or the purple-eyed dragon bear's supernatural powers also fell.

Three days later, Jiang Shang and the others had already entered the depths of the swampy wasteland.

At this time, not only the golden-armored crocodile was the only beast that rushed out to attack and kill, but the ghost-striped blood snake also began to appear frequently.But none of these could stop Jiang Shang's terrifying blow, and all of them were killed instantly, unable to form an obstacle.

In the evening of this day, the three caught up with the previous group of monks.However, at this time, the team of more than [-] people has dropped sharply, and there are only less than ten people left.

Jiang Shang didn't plan to pay attention to these people, but these people showed ferocious faces one by one, with a mad bloodthirsty look, and rushed forward with a roar.

"Huh?" Jiang Shang paused and said coldly, "You're courting death!"

Even though he couldn't figure out why this group of people suddenly went mad, Jiang Shang was merciless in his actions.

Apart from the caravan, any monk who wanted to cross the swamp and wasteland was a person who was guilty of heinous crimes.They fled to the border when they were hunted down in the ancient territory and had nowhere to hide.

(End of this chapter)

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